[B] Natural Kioka, Jahra, Trance Potion

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8:55am May 27 2014 (last edited on 3:15am May 31 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 19
Hi! So I'm interested in purchasing a natural kioka, a natural jahra and a trance potion if I have enough Tu left over.

I've got the kioka now! :) So now I'm just after the jahra and a trance potion.
For the jahra, I can pay in a few mil pure Tu.
As for the trance potion, let me know how much you're after, I should be able to pay in pure Tu too.

But I can probably only afford one of the above two. Really really want the trance potion - if you point in the direction of anyone active who is selling one, I'll be very grateful. :)
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