☆ Meet my Goals •

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2:03am Apr 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 509
Hey guys ♡ 

I'm trying to make the best out of my time on Res. I've been debating on a hiatus - simply to better my mental health. (Just throwing it out there, for me, Res is nothing but positivity). It's just things I've been needing to sort out myself.

I have some goals I would like to meet before I do go. Just to have been able to say that I set goals and reached 'em. 

My goals right now :

Finish my HA: 
Undead Skin [ ]
Fire Fly Jar [ ]

Gaara [ ]
Obito [ ]
Poisonous [ ]

1 bil tu [ ]

Have every hatch color Wyrae [ ]

Make 5 Res friends that I actually talk to often inside or outside Res [ ]

Please also check out my merchant & rancher! Send an Rmail if you want to offer on anything!


11:28pm Apr 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 66
I can be your friend 💙💙💙

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