3:51pm Mar 2 2013
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Posts: 1,673
Sorry my laptop went weird.
Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them
3:52pm Mar 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 1,673
Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them
3:53pm Mar 2 2013
Posts: 2,161
That's all right, no harm done really.
3:54pm Mar 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 1,673
Kay. How about a Blonde Meiko?
Those.. I would say about 25 mil? So that means I could do
Calico Zaphao= 13 mil Blonde Meiko = 9 mil + 4 mil mil ________________________________ 25 mil If wanted I could try a different pet? I don't mind at all. You are being kind enough to tell me I may do this.
Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them
4:01pm Mar 2 2013
Posts: 2,161
Um... Do you have any other blondes? Tesuri, zaphao or veram maybe? o3o If not, it's okay. I just... I'm still kinda reluctant to sell him. XD Sorry. Should've decided this a while ago. Was there anything else that ended up catching your eyes?
4:09pm Mar 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 1,673
Sure! I don't mind. You might need to know you can just buy her? But I could still do a pet trade :)
Pets: Drillboy FusionFire Allioa Aberna Aimless Like I said you can just buy my Calico. She wont be over 9 mil
Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them
4:17pm Mar 2 2013
Posts: 2,161
I will sell Allioa and Aberna, but FusionFire's an OC name of mine, Drillboy is a name from my favourite anime and I really like the creatu and Aimless is the first RWN I ever got. Buuuut, I'm willing to either sell Alllioa and Aberna or trade them. Just tell me how much you'd pay for the two. I might sell FusionFire if I could tag the name off... maybe.
4:20pm Mar 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 1,673
Okay. Go from the thing I said calico zaphao for both + 2 mil?
Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them
4:21pm Mar 2 2013
Posts: 2,161
I actually think I will sell him. But I need the name. Soundburst and FusionFire are twins, why not have them on the same creatu? (jahra)
4:25pm Mar 2 2013
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Posts: 1,673
Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them
4:28pm Mar 2 2013
Posts: 2,161
I just need to tag the name off. That's all. The mirablis would be worth around... Well, if the stardusted meragon is worth 25 mil, the mirablis is like... Wait... just checked. Apparently it's 2 mil for a ginger mira. This one'll be unnamed though. So... 22.5 mil for him?
4:33pm Mar 2 2013
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Posts: 1,673
My paycheck will be:
Calico Zaphao= 10 mil Black Zaphao= 5 mil Silver Zaphao= 5 mil + 2.5 mil ______________________________ 22.5 mil
Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them
4:43pm Mar 2 2013
Posts: 2,161
Um... I already have a black zaphao and a silver one. Although they have effects. Is there anything else you'd do for a trade? If not, I'll take the zaphaos and the 2.5 mil. <3
4:44pm Mar 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 1,673
No... nothing that would go over 22.5 mil
Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them
4:46pm Mar 2 2013
Posts: 2,161
Hm. Did you still want the black quelis and the frosted cream narwi? I remember you wanted them at first. I'll sell those too if you like. <3
4:52pm Mar 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 1,673
Hmm give me a moment to think about it.. I will post here with my decision.
Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them
4:52pm Mar 2 2013
Posts: 2,161
4:55pm Mar 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 1,673
I am sending my 3 Zaphaos! + The 2.5 mil TU!
Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them
5:13pm Mar 2 2013
Posts: 2,161
Okay. But are you buying the narwi and the quelis? o3o
5:21pm Mar 2 2013
Normal User
Posts: 1,673
Rejoining, I have a lot of TU that I find unused up. Got any good pets? Let me know, I might buy them