Hi, I'm buying lots of things and selling things too.
Items I'm buying:
TOT items & candies from the Halloween event for 50k each. (no gummy witch)
Gummy Bat or Rat for 50k each.
Easero Feathers for 50k each.
Blessed Flowers for 50k each.
Any regular flowers for 10k each
Credit Shop(CS) pets for 1.5 mil each. Any name is fine for the CS pets.
1. Post on the board what you are selling.
2. Send the item(s).
3. I will send the tu next time I'm on. (I'm on daily)
For a limited time only. For every 5 holiday eggs you buy from me, I will send you 1 free holiday egg of my choice. The 5 eggs need to be bought within 2 days.