Hello everyone, I hope to make this my at lease semi-permanent 'want' thread. If you don't see something you can sell me the first time don't forget to check in for update, I would really appreciate the chance to get some of this stuff off my wish list!
- RWNs. Lots of them.
- One or two RSTU001
- Achomatics of just about every sort.
- Jahras
buying in bulk...
...and selling my soul for
A few examples will be displayed in the post below. Feel free to contact me here or via rMail.
SB: [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/wantads/buying-rwns-ha-items-and-more/#post_2061904] Buying RWNs and HA items, taking commissions -> [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/art/cort-039-s-commissions/~page/1/#post_2061768]