So. Autchet finally has achieved one of her ultimate dream creatu!
This RSTU001 here is called Ratchet. Tis a big deal not only because it's my username, but also because it's the name of one of my all-time favorite Transformers characters. ;w;
Here's the thing: I need a banner for him. An amazing banner. And I'm not sure how I want to pay for it but I can pay in tu or creatu or maybe items. I have a bunch of random things you may be interested in.
If you're interested in making him a banner, just post here and link me to a few examples so I know what your work is like before I hire you. ^^
I want the banner to include the following:
A rose RSTU001
The creatu's name, done in whatever font you think will make the best impact.
The phrase: "You break it, I remake it." somewhere in the banner.
This character must be clearly visible in the banner somewhere. Only the character red and white character staanding in the middle of the top panel is needed, so I'd appreciate if you neatly cut him out of the image here:
Other than that, just use your creativity. Maybe base it off the character's personality which can be read up on here?
Okay. That's all I think. Remember, post links to examples first before you do anything. ^^ I'm willing to pay very well for the banner, but only if it meets my criteria I've set and looks fantastic! :D
I'm also looking for an overlay to edit Ratchet's colors and appearance. Basically I'd want him recolored like his namesake and the top horns on his head connected into a chevron. If you're not into overlaying, but know how, I'd love it if you'd share your knowledge with me. ^^