Flight Rising with 433m tu

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2:53pm Apr 24 2020 (last edited on 4:09pm Apr 26 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 168
Account Balance: 433,000,000

Offloading the remainder of my tu for Flight Rising currency.
Looking for 4.3k gems or 4.3million treasure. Other offers accepted.
(that's 100k tu per 1k treasure or one gem, btw!)

You can rMail me (less responsive), discord me (light (◕‿◕✿)#6969), or message me on Flight Rising. I'm Gaige there.

Do not contact me on Discord for names or items unless you are one of the people I contacted previously already.
Your chance is up.


5:46pm May 8 2020

Normal User

Posts: 502
So I'll send you the treasure/gems and you'll send 5.5mil tu?

Poke a hungry Mon?
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