Item Gatherer For You!

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9:53pm Dec 14 2019 (last edited on 9:56pm Dec 14 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 15
I thought that this could be of some use for some of the players here on Rescreatu. 

NPC Shop Search For Items
Have you ever wanted to get something but players in the Merchant shops selling them over priced? Have you ever waited forever to see if they would apear in the shops? Well now this offer is just for you!
I will go to the NPC shops every time they reset to try and find the thing you are looking for as you continue doing other things. I will only retrieve stuff that is sold in the markets. If you want me to just get one of everything for you so you could finish that collection or quest, I can do that! You will get your stuff at the most of 7 days! If you are currently doing a quest and need help, make sure i’m Online fist and Rmail me! I’ll help you search the shops with whatever you need!
Prices and How it Works
500,000 tu for every item that needs to be searched for within the Npc shops.
I am going to need the money to buy your items for you. Tell me how much you sent, and I’ll put the rest of my money in the bank to be sure that I am using your money. Nothing more and nothing less. The left over money will be sent back to you once the search is over or is canceled. As I find the items, I will send them to you. Each day of searching is 200,000 tu.l

Creatu Finder
Do you need help in finding a certain creatu for Kir’s Quest or for your own collection? Hire me and I’ll help you! 
Set a budget for yourself if I find one within the Rancher Shop. Make sure so send the tu so I can buy it for you! I will also use my hatches to try and get it for you. Just send me the eggs you have and I’ll search for some too! Left over money would be sent back.
Prices and How it Works
I check the rancher shops every few hours to see if I can find the requested creatu. Set a budget so I know how much you are willing to spend on this certain creatu. Every day searching in the Rancher shop is 500,000 tu. You will be notified if one is found but only if it’s over your budget. If it fits your budget, the creatu will be bought right away and be ready for pickup when you are online. 
If you decide to use my hatches, each one is 200,000. Just tell me how many you want to use each day and you’ll get them. You will then be given the creatu that comes from the egg. It’s preferred to have a list of names ready for me so I can name them and have them ready immediately. Hatches will not be used unless paid for. 1.2 mill tu will last you 2 days of using my hatches (3 each day). Make sure to send in eggs for me to hatch. Every egg that is mine and I hatch for you, the creatu inside will be mine unless it’s the requested creatu, then it would be an additional 500,000 tu.
This is set as a ‘First Come First Serve’ basis. Those who send in a creatu search request are put on a list in the order of request date. You could also put yourself up one spot in the list for 500,000 tu.


2:43pm Feb 6 2020

Normal User

Posts: 369
um... o.o, xD 

this signature is dedicatedrn
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