Liyure Egg

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11:13am Nov 8 2019 (last edited on 9:07am Nov 9 2019)


Posts: 585
Hey Res! 

As the ti
tle states, I’m looking to trade for a Liyure Egg.
I’m hoping to trade for one when the promo is on, so they are cheaper ^^’
However, I kinda need this egg for March, as I’m wanting to hatch the Liyure the day my son is born. 
He is due middle of March x I did this with my first son, so I’d like to have matching Liyures!

What I have to offer: 
Black CS 
Ivik eggs 
Cream / Derp Ivik 
Derp nattie retireds
High coloured creatu 
Some pure tu
20 Kir quest points 

I can possibly offer an Albino Shaefu for multiple Liyure eggs.
This is a big maybe, and will be only if I get desperate for an egg close to March time.

If someone is willing to work something out with me for an egg, I’d be forever greatful!! ;—;
I know this thread is waaay early, but forums are dead, so wanted to give myself enough time for people to see this.


9:53pm Nov 9 2019


Posts: 211
I have a couple I'd be willing to swap for names if you want to rmail me which ones you'd part with
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