Hello everyone!
Currently I am looking for natural Jahras to buy! Originally I was going to buy two, but I may want more depending on how many people offer. (Also may buy an Albino Jahra, depending on price)
-I do not really care about names (Though I would prefer nice names)
ex: kdfjkfjbkfj (No gibberish please)
-I am open to buying colored Jahras (Though I am a very cheap user, unfortunately)
-I am also interested in getting an Albino Jahra as well so I'd love to get one those those too
-It can be at any stage of its life (Baby, adolescent, or adult)
Price I will Pay:
I am willing to pay anywhere between 5-7 million tu
I can also offer creatu in my rancher as part of the payment as well.
Most pets in my SR are not for sale, but I am willing to see what you want for each of them.
Thank you so much for your time! I cant wait to see what offers you have for me!