Lookin for Profile Coder!

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3:09pm Dec 1 2016 (last edited on 3:10pm Dec 1 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 105
Aite so I need someone who can code a somewhat complex profile.  Nothing TOO fancy, but the gist of it is I want a profile that

1. I can showcase background art and has an easily modified color scheme [bc I'm awful at coding]
2. Has a place where I can type a small blurb that is always up but doesn't have a scroll bar.  Small information bit.
3. Has a section where I can put icons or miniature banners [basically image files] as hyperlinks to pet pages.

It just looks better than having all the pets out and having people scroll thru an entire Mirabilis collection.

Anyway.  My budget is whatever someone thinks they can do this for.
I'm willing to save whatever y'all think is fair at the moment.

I'd prefer you guys link me some samples too c:

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