Looking for a couple Black CS pets [non retired]

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7:43pm Apr 25 2018 (last edited on 7:49pm Apr 25 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 678
Hi! I'm looking for a couple (just 2) black CS pets for names of mine. I think these names would work really well on some black CS pets... In a perfect world, I'd have them both on colored retireds... but I'm not that rich XD

For now, I am looking for 1 black Shaefu. 
I am considering looking for others, see a couple lines below. 
Prefer males, but it doesn't really matter. I can get gender pendants. 

I would consider one of the following: Haberisar, Saruka, Eleodon, or Jahra for the right price. I'm still really deciding what I want to do with the other name. I know I definitely want a colored Shaefu for the one. 
I do NOT want a Drachid, Cyid, Aerix, Ezahni, or Noctis. 

Hoping to pay around 150mil each. Obviously you'd get the name back if it's a name you care about since I'll be changing the name anyway. 

(alternatively, if you also have an Achro Jahra I'd love to discuss something/work something out). 

Please Rmail me, I'll be gone most of the next couple weeks/month but I'll be on and off every so often to reply. 
some patience will be required, I apologize in advance. 

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