1) Current kir quest: Blonde Intes
22mil in stocks
2) Current Tu amount: about 400k shares in stocks and 25,620,892
3) Are you on often? I am on for most of the day, mainly in late afternoon or night sometimes early morning on weekdays and most of the day during weekends
3) Current amount of points: 13
4) would you like to work on both of our kir quests or just work off of one account? Preferably it wouldn't matter to me, it would be easier to work off of one account then gradually go up to both.
5) what prize are you after in his shop? The squishys of Kir and galtas
6) are you willing to give up your own pets to kir? all but collection and keepsakes
7)are there any particular pets your not willing to part with? My kayoki collection and cyid collection