looking for bino and achro..paying with pure.

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1:48pm Nov 5 2015 (last edited on 9:10pm Nov 6 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 3,010

looking for these.

albino adult

achromatic adult

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!


1:50pm Nov 5 2015

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
Hmm,achro's ill pay between 20mil to 25mil.
bino's..25mil to 35mil.

depending on the name.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!


9:10pm Nov 6 2015

Normal User

Posts: 3,010
gots thems..thankyou!

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

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