Looking for names from the Divergent trilogy!

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12:54am Jul 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 678
I own two so far, Abnegation and Erudite. I am hoping to expand my collection, as Divergent and Insurgent are two of my favorite books of all time. 

More expensive Names I would be searching for: [red=ones I would like to find/hopefully buy first]
-Tris [probably too expensive but eh, I can try.]
-Tobias [lol yeah right]
-Four [I really wish I was rich...]
-Faction or Factions

Double names will also be okay, I just don't want to pay extremely high amounts of tu for them. 
Such as...
-BeatricePrior [one I own]
-CalebPrior [I own as well]
-and any other double names that are from the books!

If you have one you are unsure about, just post it here! I probably won't respond to r-mail, I am pretty bad about checking it... 

I have some tu, not a whole lot. I also have pets in my Rancher and in my Showroom under 'Other' and 'For Sale' if you'd do a creatu trade!

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