Looking for: names, HA items, and more!

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7:55am Jun 1 2021 (last edited on 8:14pm Jun 4 2021)


Posts: 2,161

I figured I oughta make a post with everything I'm after so here it is! I'm looking for names related to various fandoms,
and some older HA items, for the most part, but if I decide on anything else it'll go here!

For fandom names, these are the specific ones I'm into at this time but cannot find names to collect from:
Ace Attorney
Final Fantasy XV

*for this one I'm not just looking to collect any Pokemon names; rather I'm interested in Pokemon I particularly like!

For HA items, I'm searching for the following:
Albino fairy wings
Pink fairy wings
Sakura tree
Trance fairy wings

Presently I have 200 mil, many old/rare HA items such as old leaderboard prizes and CS items, and if you're into Flight Rising, I've got lots of old festival skins and accents, as well as some apparel and familiars. If FR stuff is what you want feel free to rmail me and we can talk more there!

I'm also looking for tesuri eggs, offering 100k/egg.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a pleasant day c:


5:16am Jun 2 2021

Normal User

Posts: 151
GL alt, your HA is soooo pretty 😍

11:47am Jun 2 2021


Posts: 2,161
Thank you!! :D

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