Hi everyone!
My birthday is coming up next month on July 16th and I want to be able to hatch some CS eggs then. Since the new update has released several different egg nests into the credit shop I want to be able to get some to hatch next month on my birthday!
This being said, I haven't even saved enough tu for one egg nest yet and I'd like to get three for my birthday(Jahra, Shaefu, and Habbie). I, unfortunately, don't think I'll be able to save up for all three.
I would love if someone would be kind enough to buy me two of the egg nests I need(Shaefu and Habbie) so that I have them for my birthday before the summer extravaganza ends. Once I am able to save enough tu for you I am willing to give you anywhere between 200-250 mil for the nests when i get the tu to pay you back.
This would be so helpful if any of you would like to help me! Thank you so much for reading this! It means a lot.