SEEKING: tons of pets!

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8:37pm Jul 14 2019 (last edited on 1:54pm Aug 14 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 4,093

i'm looking to start completing my general creatu collection, and gather colours of species i don't have yet. i'm missing a shocking amount!

for now i will only be buying common and seasonal pets and their hatch colours.



-pet must have a decent name:
     ->no numbers
     ->one word only, or two that flow together and could sound like one thing (ex: Truefur isfine, LastManStanding is not)
     ->made up names are fine!
-only paying for the pet/colour; if it happens to have a nice name, i'm not interested in paying extra for it


what i need:


AHEA: calico, albino, achro
ARDUR: silver, calico
AUKIRA: silver, calico, achro
BERROK: blonde, calico, albino
CHIMBY: silver, albino,
DRINDIAN: silver, blonde, calico, albino
GOIBA: silver, blonde, calico, achro
GONDRA: blonde, calico, albino, achro
INTES: blonde, calico, albino
KAYOKI: albino, achro
LEVERENE: silver, calico, albino, achro
MALAL: achro
MEIKO: silver, blonde, albino, achro
MERAGON: blonde, calico
MURREN: blonde, albino
MYOTIS: silver, calico, albino
OTACHIE: blonde, albino
PAOR: silver, albino
RODITORE: blonde
SIRLEON: blonde, albino, achro
SKALDYR: blonde, calico, albino, achro
TESURI: calico, achro
VALABEX: blonde, albino
VOGAR: blonde, calico
ZAPHAO: calico, albino
ZENIRIX: albino



DIVUIN: silver, blonde, calico
EBILIA: blonde
ILUVU: silver, achro
JAAKU: calico, achro
KURRABI: blonde, albino
NARWI: blonde, albino
QUELIS: silver, blonde, albino, achro
UILUS: achro
VASPI: blonde, achro


what i'm offering:

SILVERS: common 2m | seasonal 6m
BLONDES: common 10m | seasonal 15m
CALICOS: common 12m | seasonal 15m
ALBINOS: common 25m | seasonal 30m
ACHROS: common 8m | seasonal 12m

these numbers are absolutely negotiable. let me know what you're willing to sell for!


please feel free to post here or rmail me with the name, colour, species, and price of the pet(s) you want to sell!

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

1:58pm Jul 28 2019

Normal User

Posts: 555
Calico Chimby - Mispaint, 12mil is fine
Silver Skaldyr - Pettyfer, 2mil is fine
Calico Valabex - Illeigh, 12 mil is fine

In case this helps at all, Pettyfer and Illeigh are both real human names (I knew an Illeigh), I just don't care enough to sell them for higher prices. xD

So, if this is fine with you, then the total would be..26mil.


9:23am Aug 27 2019

Normal User

Posts: 461
I can sell you a blonde ebbie for 20mil if you’re interested
I have Brij or Broj whichever you’d prefer :)

Roditore Queen, Always

10:16pm Sep 13 2019

Normal User

Posts: 25
I have a silver meiko: 2 mil works for me 


10:23pm Sep 13 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,764
If you still need a silver Drindian and have an extra Silver Otachie I can trade? If youre okay with trading. 

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