Wanted : Long term Hatchers , more than one needed

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9:09pm Jul 15 2012

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Posts: 50
I need hatcher,s I'm willing to pay for your long term service by a daily fee or a one time fee in which I give you an expensive item, such as a trance potion or cyid egg. YOU CAN NOT BACK OUT OR YOU MUST REFUND ME MY MONEY'S WORTH LEFT.

I'm looking for at least 5 people. : > Post or R-mail if interested.

9:17pm Jul 15 2012

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Posts: 742
How long will this time be?

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9:24pm Jul 15 2012

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Posts: 50
Any where form 2 weeks to a 3 months even for the employee, who can pick what days they hatch on also and how many they will hatch that day. So you don't have to work every day, but this is why I need more than one.

So it is perfectly fine if you only want to hatch 1 egg a day, I just need to know this, or perhaps two days a week you'll hatch 3 eggs, thats fine too. : > The schedule itself is flexible but I need people I can depend on to help me get a heavy amount of eggs hatched. : >

9:49pm Jul 15 2012

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Posts: 742
I can do that I'll hatch 2 eggs a day for I guess a month if thats fine?

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9:55pm Jul 15 2012

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Posts: 50
Thats perfectly fine. What sort of payment would you like, what is you per hatch fee, and when would you like to start?

Also if you ever want one of the eggs you hatched for me, never be afraid to ask, I'm more than happy to let the love of pets go round. <3

9:57pm Jul 15 2012 (last edited on 9:58pm Jul 15 2012)

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Posts: 742
Well how long would have to do it to get a trance potion because I want one but I don't feel like selling my Achro :P?

Edit: I would start hatching today ^_^

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10:01pm Jul 15 2012

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Posts: 50
Trance potions are sold easily for 9 mil usually.  at 100K per hatch, 2 hatches a day, that would take 45 days. : > It's about a month and 15 days of hatching, if you hatch everyday at that rate. : > You will get your potion now, but remember if you quit, you will be responsible for the amount left of worth of the item. Which I will give you time to repay, but I will be strict on being repaid.

10:05pm Jul 15 2012

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Posts: 105
i can hatch 3 for 2 weeks.

10:07pm Jul 15 2012

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Posts: 742
I can hatch everyday starting a 12am and ya I'll be responsible if I quit I just want to get this because I really want a pet named Fifth so I want to get started saving on that ^_^

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10:07pm Jul 15 2012

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Posts: 50
What is your going rate? 100K per hatch?

10:08pm Jul 15 2012

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Posts: 50
Oh I saw that pet, do you remember how much that pet is? If I have enough I can buy the pet for you instead and you can work that off instead if you prefer? : >  Or you can work for the trance potion, whatever floats your boat. : >

10:08pm Jul 15 2012

Normal User

Posts: 105
I can hatch 3 eggs for 1 month,so,1 hatch=100k
trance potion=9 mil
9 mil/100k=90 hatches
90 hatches/3 per day=30 days=a month hatching eggs for you.
Do you accept?

10:10pm Jul 15 2012

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Posts: 50
Yes, I do, let me go buy a second potion first. : >

10:12pm Jul 15 2012

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Posts: 742
Its ok I'll work for the Trance Potion and just save up for Fifth ^_^

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10:13pm Jul 15 2012

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Posts: 105
ok,just rmail me.i will send a friend request,every day you want me to hatch,just send the eggs,and if you them back,i will send back,ok?

10:14pm Jul 15 2012

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Posts: 742
Ok so what creatu eggs do you want me to hatch?

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10:15pm Jul 15 2012

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Posts: 105
i can start working at07/15/2012(rescreatu clock,i am brasilian),them send the eggs


10:15pm Jul 15 2012

Normal User

Posts: 50
Alright, both please friend request me, and when I get the second one I will send both of them, money is taking a moment to transfer to account. <3  Thank you both so much. <3

10:17pm Jul 15 2012

Normal User

Posts: 742
My time is the same as Rescreatu time xD so I can start at 12am ^_^

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10:19pm Jul 15 2012

Normal User

Posts: 50
I will send you both eggs, and just hatch them when you can. I'm also the same time as the website, so I'll be good. >W< Like I said, just friend me, and I'll send some eggs over for you two to hatch soon. First I want to secure you payments. I have one potion just need the funds delivered for the second one. =w=
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