Natural Zenirix Balloon Creatu

Ever the popular balloon at parties, this Zenirix buddy is just as colorful as the real thing! It can't wag its tail, but it sure can win a place in your heart.

Natural Zenirix Balloon Creatu
Type: Dress
Craftable: no
Stocked In: not stocked
Amount in Game: 95
Average Merchant Sale: 15,758,167 tu
Creatu Balloons
Clothing Preview
Most Recent Merchant Sales
2024-05-27 18:13:15 14,550,000 tu
2024-02-24 17:51:12 15,000,000 tu
2023-08-10 11:42:33 20,000,000 tu
2023-01-23 11:46:36 20,000,000 tu
2022-10-15 23:24:11 5,000,000 tu
2021-10-07 12:54:10 19,999,000 tu
Merchant Shop Price
Fuzzballs Goodies 14,500,000
Wonderland 14,999,000