Ribbon Snowflake Marble (x 7) |  Ricki Staff Squishy (x 1) |  Roditore Candy Cane (x 1) |
 Roditore Egg Bauble (x 1) |  Romantic Red Balloon (x 1) |  Rose Dye Kit Squishy (x 1) |
 Rose Easero Cupcake (x 1) |  Rose Iluvusicle (x 2) |  Rose Present Squishy (x 2) |
 Rose Vogar Squishy (x 1) |  Rotten Egg Squishy (x 1) |  Royal Snowflake (x 1) |
 Royal Snowflake Marble (x 1) |  Rozi Bunny Squishy (x 1) |  Rozi Staff Balloon (x 1) |
 RSTU 001 Gingerbread Cookie (x 1) |  RSTU001 Egg Bauble (x 1) |  RSTU001 Mittens (x 1) |
 RSTU002 Candy Cane (x 1) |  RSTU002 Frame Bauble (x 1) |  RSTU002 Goggles (x 1) |
 RSTU002 Wind-up Toy (x 1) |  Rugged Shell (x 2) |  Running Mascara (x 1) |
 Sack of Coal (x 3) |  Sagittarius Zodiac Squishy (x 1) |  Salt and Vinegar Chips (x 15) |
 Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate (x 1) |  Samhain Wand (x 2) |  Santa Stocking (x 2) |
 Santas Naughty List (x 2) |  Santas Nice List (x 1) |  Saruka Candy Cane (x 1) |
 Saruka Egg Bauble (x 1) |  Saruka Gingerbread Cookie (x 1) |  Saruka Stocking (x 1) |
 Scared Mahina Squishy (x 1) |  Scared Mirabilis Squishy (x 2) |  Scared Quelis Squishy (x 1) |
 Scared Zenirix Squishy (x 1) |  Scary Halloween Flag (x 2) |  Schefflera Honey Candy (x 1) |
 Schefflera Royal Jelly (x 1) |  Schefflera Staff Balloon (x 1) |  Schefflera Staff Squishy (x 1) |
 Scria Aura Candle (x 1) |  Scria Berries (x 1) |  Scria Berry T-Shirt (x 1) |
 Scria Corn Husk Doll Container (x 1) |  Scria Crystal Ball (x 1) |  Scria Easter Egg (x 6) |
 Scria Marble (x 7) |  Scria Shoes (x 1) |  Scria Snow Globe (x 3) |
 Scria Star Map (x 1) |  Scria Sword (x 1) |  Scrian Snowman (x 2) |
 Sea Biscuit (x 6) |  Seafood Noodle Surprise (x 1) |  Seasoned Stuffing (x 5) |
 Seaweed Taffy (x 8) |  Sensational Strawberry Jelly Beans (x 11) |  Sentient Flytrap (x 1) |
 Sepia Beach Ball Marble (x 2) |  Sepia Easero Cupcake (x 9) |  Sepia Iluvu Pages (x 5) |
 Sepia Iluvusicle (x 2) |  Sepia Rubber Divuin (x 1) |  Sepia Uilus Cloak (x 1) |
 Seymours Treasure (x 2) |  Shaefu Candy Cane (x 1) |  Shaefu Egg Bauble (x 1) |
 Shaefu Gingerbread Cookie (x 1) |  Shaefu Ice Cream Cone (x 1) |  Shaefu Saber (x 2) |
 Shaefu Scarf (x 1) |  Shark Staff Apple (x 3) |  Shattered Glass Heart (x 1) |
 Shiny Pearl (x 8) |  Silver Beach Ball Marble (x 3) |  Silver Crescent Moon Earrings (x 1) |
 Silver Easero Cupcake (x 12) |  Silver Iluvu Pages (x 2) |  Silver Iluvusicle (x 1) |
 Silver Kurrabi Goggles (x 1) |  Silver Plated Shimmering Shell (x 1) |  Silver Plated Tiny Clam Shell (x 1) |
 Silver Rubber Divuin (x 2) |  Silver Stardust Apple (x 4) |  Silver Stardust Hair (x 2) |
 Silver Stardust Recipes 2012 (x 1) |  Silver Stardust Telescope (x 1) |  Silver Uilus Cloak (x 1) |
 Silver Vogar Squishy (x 1) |  Simple Fresh Grass Skirt (x 1) |  Simple Grass Arm and Wrist Bands (x 1) |
 Simple Grass Leg Bands (x 1) |  Sin Staff Apple (x 2) |  Sirleon Bath Toy (x 1) |
 Sirleon Caboose (x 2) |