Heart Soars Card (x 2) |  Heart Strings Card (x 2) |  Henry the Halloween Devil (x 1) |
 Hibiscus Flower (x 1) |  Holiday Dress (x 1) |  Holiday Hat (x 1) |
 Holiday Valabex Figurine (x 1) |  Holly Blood Blade (x 1) |  Holly Wreath Collar (x 1) |
 Honeybee Staff Apple (x 4) |  Hooting Hail Goody Bowl (x 1) |  Horseshoe Charm (x 2) |
 How the Eleodon Stole Resmas (x 1) |  How To Annoy Patrick (x 2) |  How To Be Me - Elvish (x 1) |
 How to Become Smart (x 1) |  How to Get a Planet Iubui (x 1) |  How to Hatch a Divuin Egg (x 1) |
 How to Hatch a Jaaku Egg (x 1) |  How to Hatch a Kioka Egg (x 1) |  How to Hatch a Mahina Egg (x 1) |
 How to Hatch a Meragon Egg (x 1) |  How to Hatch a Shaefu Egg (x 1) |  How to Hatch a Uilus Egg (x 1) |
 How to Hatch a Viarindi Egg (x 1) |  How to Hatch an Ebilia Egg (x 1) |  How to Hatch an Omni Egg (x 1) |
 How to Morph a Wyrae (x 1) |  How To Pronounce o_O (x 1) |  Hrodolf Kiokadeer Squishy (x 2) |
 Hunail (x 1) |  Hypno Pizza (x 2) |  I Alphabet Squishy (x 1) |
 I Luv U Card (x 1) |  Ice Apple (x 1) |  Ice Flower (x 1) |
 Ice Narwi Crown (x 1) |  Ice Pick (x 1) |  Ice Scream (x 2) |
 Ice Skates (x 1) |  Ice Tester (x 1) |  Ice Tunnel Shard (x 1) |
 Ice Uilus Wings (x 1) |  Ice Yoyo (x 1) |  Iluvu Creatu Egg (x 1) |
 Iluvu Egg Bauble (x 1) |  Iluvu Gown Pack (x 1) |  Iluvu Hand Puppet (x 1) |
 Iluvu Poem Book (x 1) |  Iluvu Snow Globe (x 1) |  Iluvu Stocking (x 1) |
 Inauspicious Excavations (x 1) |  Inchworm (x 1) |  Inchworm Friend (x 1) |
 Indigo Carved Crystal Skull (x 1) |  Indigo Chirping Easero Chick (x 1) |  Indigo Dye Kit (x 1) |
 Indigo Illusion Easter Egg (x 1) |  Indigo Present Squishy (x 1) | .png) Inflatable Beach Ball (x 2) |
 Intes Candy Cane (x 1) |  Intes Creatu Egg (x 1) |  Intes Egg Bauble (x 1) |
 Intes Gingerbread Cookie (x 1) |  Intes Morphing Potion (x 1) |  Intes Stocking (x 1) |
 Intricate Snowflake Marble (x 1) |  Itch-Away Powder (x 1) |  Itchy Malal Resmas Sweater (x 1) |
 Iuboi Creatu Egg (x 1) |  Ivik Creatu Socks (x 1) |  Ivik Egg Bauble (x 1) |
 Ivik Egg Squishy (x 1) |  Ivik Stocking (x 1) |  Jaaku Cherry (x 1) |
 Jaaku Cherry Seed (x 1) |  Jaaku Creatu Egg (x 1) |  Jaaku Ectoplasm (x 1) |
 Jaaku Egg Bauble (x 1) |  Jaaku Gingerbread Cookie (x 1) |  Jaaku Hard Candies (x 2) |
 Jaaku Snow Globe (x 1) |  Jaaku Soul Jar (x 1) |  Jaaku Stocking (x 1) |
 Jaaku Yoyo (x 1) |  Jade Comet Fragment (x 1) |  Jade Stardust Apple (x 1) |
 Jade Stardust Flower (x 1) |  Jade Stardust Urn (x 1) |  Jaguar Face Paint Kit (x 1) |
 Jahra Gingerbread Cookie (x 1) |  Jahra Stocking (x 1) |  Jelly Ghost (x 1) |
 Jelly Ghost Blob (x 1) |  Jerboa Beanbag (x 1) |  Jess Staff Apple (x 4) |
 Jingle Cage Ball (x 1) |  Job Tower Token 13 (x 1) |  Jock Jare the Jaaku Squishy (x 1) |
 Joebob The Farmboy (x 1) |