Patchwork Piranha (x 1) |  Patrick Doll (x 1) |  Patrick Goody Bag (x 1) |
 Patrick Goody Bag 08 (x 1) |  Patrick Goody Bag 09 (x 1) |  Peanut Butter Cup (x 1) |
 Peasant Girl Doll (x 1) |  Pee Snowball (x 2) |  Pegasus Staff Apple (x 4) |
 Pegasus Staff Squishy (x 2) |  Peppermint Hot Chocolate (x 2) |  Peppers (x 1) |
 Peridot Staff Apple (x 6) |  Perilus (x 1) |  Perilus Seed (x 1) |
 Pet Worm (x 1) |  Peter the Halloween Pumpkin (x 1) |  Petit Fours (x 2) |
 Petrified Wood (x 1) |  Phos Staff Apple (x 4) |  Phosphorus (x 1) |
 Pickle Heart (x 1) |  Pie Apple (x 4) |  Pile of Aqua Stardust (x 1) |
 Pile of Gold Stardust (x 1) |  Pile of Jade Stardust (x 1) |  Pinecone Hat (x 2) |
 Pink Broken Heart Shards (x 1) |  Pink Clockwork Monster (x 1) |  Pink Glass Bauble (x 1) |
 Pink Glitter Wand (x 2) |  Pink Halloween Sweet (x 2) |  Pink Pearl (x 2) |
 Pink Plaid Easter Egg (x 1) |  Pink Plastic Easter Egg (x 3) |  Pink Rabid Pumpkin (x 2) |
 Pink Rock Candy Heart (x 1) |  Pink Rounded Gem (x 3) |  Pink Seaglass (x 2) |
 Pink Unicorn Balloon (x 1) |  Pink Valentine Card (x 3) |  Piranha Gummy (x 3) |
 Pisces Zodiac Squishy (x 1) |  Pitchcu Plant (x 1) |  Pitchcu Plant Seed (x 1) |
 Pitchspork (x 1) |  Pixie Apple (x 2) |  Pizza Pizza (x 2) |
 Pizza Slice Thrower (x 2) |  Planet Iubui Magical Squishy Recipe Card (x 1) |  Planet Mirror (x 1) |
 Poinsettia Throwing Star (x 1) |  Poison Apple (x 1) |  Poisonous Apple (x 2) |
 PollyAnna Radioactive Doll (x 1) |  Poo Lollipop (x 2) |  Poop Flavored Gum (x 5) |
 Pop Up Madigan Toy (x 1) |  Potato Gun (x 1) |  Potion of Death (x 1) |
 Potion of Health (x 1) |  Pretty and Pink Easter Egg (x 1) |  Puffy Jack-o-Lantern Top (x 3) |
 Pumear (x 2) |  Pumpkin Apple (x 4) |  Pumpkin Balloon (x 1) |
 Pumpkin Bowl (x 1) |  Pumpkin Charm (x 2) |  Pumpkin Cirrus Candy (x 2) |
 Pumpkin Cookie (x 1) |  Pumpkin Face Paint Kit (x 1) |  Pumpkin Gummy Vitamins (x 3) |
 Pumpkin Guts (x 5) |  Pumpkin Icing Voodoo Cookie (x 2) |  Pumpkin Loaf (x 2) |
 Pumpkin Potion (x 1) |  Pumpkin Spice Taffy (x 2) |  Pumpkin Spooked Latte (x 2) |
 Pumpkin Squishy (x 2) |  Pumpkin-Shaped Chocolate (x 5) |  Purple Bow (x 1) |
 Purple Broken Heart Shards (x 1) |  Purple Christmas Cracker (x 1) |  Purple Clockwork Monster (x 1) |
 Purple Energy Orb (x 1) |  Purple Halloween Dress Jacket (x 1) |  Purple Halloween Frilly Dress (x 1) |
 Purple Halloween Trick or Treat Sweet (x 1) |  Purple Paint Brush (x 1) |  Purple Penguin Squishy (x 1) |
 Purple Plastic Easter Egg (x 3) |  Purple Prism Shard (x 1) |  Purple Pull Along Dinosaur (x 1) |
 Purple Rock Candy Heart (x 1) |  Purple Sack (x 1) |  Purple Soap (x 1) |
 Purple Witch Hat (x 1) |  Qesque Hexacat Goody Bag (x 1) |  Qesque Staff Squishy (x 2) |
 Queen Bee Squishy (x 2) |