You walk into the's strangely cold. The cobwebs cast stringy, faded shadows on pristine white walls, cluttered shelves thick with dust. No one has tended this place in ages. You spy some valuable things; but mostly a lot of junk. The door you've opened causes a breeze that gently stirs the stale air. You inadvertently shiver. You realize you've entered a room frozen in time. -------------- R.I.P my Ancient Scroll, I mistakenly put you in my library, thinking books wouldn't break there and I was wrong. Too bad you were the first one to break.----------------- One item stands out: the rare and coveted Trout Slapper Of Doom. Yes, I was staff long, long ago, but this renowned item of staffdom was the most generous gift of Guzma <3

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Quelis Cake
Quelis Cake (x 1)
Quelis Gingerbread Cookie
Quelis Gingerbread Cookie (x 1)
Quelis Surfboard
Quelis Surfboard (x 1)
Rabbit Buddy
Rabbit Buddy (x 1)
Rabid Pumpkin
Rabid Pumpkin (x 3)
Radioactive Recipes
Radioactive Recipes (x 1)
Radioactive Taffy
Radioactive Taffy (x 5)
Rainbow Frisbee
Rainbow Frisbee (x 1)
Rainbow Prism
Rainbow Prism (x 1)
Rainbow Scale
Rainbow Scale (x 2)
Rainbow Squishy
Rainbow Squishy (x 1)
Rainbow Tailed Ball
Rainbow Tailed Ball (x 2)
Rainbow Zig-Zag Pants
Rainbow Zig-Zag Pants (x 1)
Raine Staff Apple
Raine Staff Apple (x 5)
Raspberry Boo Pop
Raspberry Boo Pop (x 2)
Rave Item Pack
Rave Item Pack (x 1)
Raychol Goody Bag 09
Raychol Goody Bag 09 (x 1)
Razor Snowflake
Razor Snowflake (x 2)
Razor Snowflake Marble
Razor Snowflake Marble (x 1)
Red Apple Swan
Red Apple Swan (x 1)
Red Bandaid
Red Bandaid (x 1)
Red Boom Box
Red Boom Box (x 1)
Red Candy Cane
Red Candy Cane (x 1)
Red Collar and Bow
Red Collar and Bow (x 1)
Red Desert Shawl
Red Desert Shawl (x 1)
Red Easter Recipe Card
Red Easter Recipe Card (x 1)
Red Halloween Sweet
Red Halloween Sweet (x 2)
Red Halloween Trick or Treat Sweet
Red Halloween Trick or Treat Sweet (x 2)
Red Hot Jelly Beans
Red Hot Jelly Beans (x 1)
Red Hot Julipepper
Red Hot Julipepper (x 1)
Red Klaws Co. Hat
Red Klaws Co. Hat (x 1)
Red Plastic Easter Egg
Red Plastic Easter Egg (x 3)
Red Potato
Red Potato (x 1)
Red Prism Shard
Red Prism Shard (x 2)
Red Rock Candy Heart
Red Rock Candy Heart (x 3)
Red Shoes
Red Shoes (x 1)
Red Soap
Red Soap (x 1)
Red Valentine Card
Red Valentine Card (x 2)
Red Water Balloon
Red Water Balloon (x 1)
Regression Ray Squishy
Regression Ray Squishy (x 1)
Reibeast Staff Balloon
Reibeast Staff Balloon (x 1)
Reiflem Aura Candle
Reiflem Aura Candle (x 1)
Reiflem Berries
Reiflem Berries (x 3)
Reiflem Citizen Visa/Pass
Reiflem Citizen Visa/Pass (x 1)
Reiflem Crystal Ball
Reiflem Crystal Ball (x 1)
Reiflem Easter Egg
Reiflem Easter Egg (x 2)
Reiflem Marble
Reiflem Marble (x 2)
Reiflem Rocks
Reiflem Rocks (x 1)
Reiflem Snow Globe
Reiflem Snow Globe (x 1)
Reiflem Squishy
Reiflem Squishy (x 4)
Reiflem Sword
Reiflem Sword (x 1)
Reindeer Cookie
Reindeer Cookie (x 1)
Rejuvenating Fern
Rejuvenating Fern (x 4)
Relaxing Azure Easter Egg
Relaxing Azure Easter Egg (x 1)
Relcore Aura Candle
Relcore Aura Candle (x 3)
Relcore Berries
Relcore Berries (x 2)
Relcore Citizen Visa/Pass
Relcore Citizen Visa/Pass (x 1)
Relcore Crystal Ball
Relcore Crystal Ball (x 1)
Relcore Essence
Relcore Essence (x 1)
Relcore Marble
Relcore Marble (x 4)
Relcore Queen Doll
Relcore Queen Doll (x 1)
Relcore Snow Globe
Relcore Snow Globe (x 2)
Relcore Squishy
Relcore Squishy (x 3)
Relcore Sword
Relcore Sword (x 2)
Relcorian Snowman
Relcorian Snowman (x 1)
ResBoy Advanced
ResBoy Advanced (x 1)
Rescreatu Goody Bag
Rescreatu Goody Bag (x 1)
Resurrection Potion
Resurrection Potion (x 2)
Ribbon Snowflake
Ribbon Snowflake (x 2)
Ricki Goody Bag
Ricki Goody Bag (x 1)
Ricki Goody Bag 08
Ricki Goody Bag 08 (x 1)
Ricki Staff Apple
Ricki Staff Apple (x 5)
Ricki Staff Squishy
Ricki Staff Squishy (x 1)
Rika Staff Apple
Rika Staff Apple (x 3)
Rocking Ezahni
Rocking Ezahni (x 3)
Rocking Meiko
Rocking Meiko (x 3)
Rocking Meragon
Rocking Meragon (x 2)
Rodent Lollipop
Rodent Lollipop (x 2)
Roditore Beanie Egg Container
Roditore Beanie Egg Container (x 1)
Roditore Candy Cane
Roditore Candy Cane (x 1)
Roditore Face Mask
Roditore Face Mask (x 1)
Roditore Stocking
Roditore Stocking (x 1)
Roditore Tail Cap
Roditore Tail Cap (x 1)
Rodzilla (x 1)
Rose Carved Crystal Skull
Rose Carved Crystal Skull (x 1)
Rose Chirping Easero Chick
Rose Chirping Easero Chick (x 1)
Rose Ice Cream
Rose Ice Cream (x 2)
Rose Present Squishy
Rose Present Squishy (x 2)
Rose Scale Easter Egg
Rose Scale Easter Egg (x 1)
Rotted Apple Lolly
Rotted Apple Lolly (x 2)
Rotten Banana Peel
Rotten Banana Peel (x 1)
Rotten Egg Squishy
Rotten Egg Squishy (x 2)
Rotten Fang
Rotten Fang (x 2)
Rotten Molar
Rotten Molar (x 3)
Royal Snowflake
Royal Snowflake (x 1)
Royal Snowflake Marble
Royal Snowflake Marble (x 1)
Rozi Bunny Squishy
Rozi Bunny Squishy (x 2)
Rozi Goody Bag
Rozi Goody Bag (x 1)
Rozi Staff Balloon
Rozi Staff Balloon (x 2)
RSTU 001 Gingerbread Cookie
RSTU 001 Gingerbread Cookie (x 1)