You walk into the's strangely cold. The cobwebs cast stringy, faded shadows on pristine white walls, cluttered shelves thick with dust. No one has tended this place in ages. You spy some valuable things; but mostly a lot of junk. The door you've opened causes a breeze that gently stirs the stale air. You inadvertently shiver. You realize you've entered a room frozen in time. -------------- R.I.P my Ancient Scroll, I mistakenly put you in my library, thinking books wouldn't break there and I was wrong. Too bad you were the first one to break.----------------- One item stands out: the rare and coveted Trout Slapper Of Doom. Yes, I was staff long, long ago, but this renowned item of staffdom was the most generous gift of Guzma <3

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Stash of Baked Resmas Treats
Stash of Baked Resmas Treats (x 2)
Steak with Stake
Steak with Stake (x 4)
Steampunk Staff Apple
Steampunk Staff Apple (x 3)
Still Friends Card
Still Friends Card (x 2)
Stim the Ninja Action Figurine
Stim the Ninja Action Figurine (x 1)
Stim the Space Invader Figurine
Stim the Space Invader Figurine (x 1)
Stitched Mouth
Stitched Mouth (x 1)
Stitched Neckline
Stitched Neckline (x 3)
Stone Apple
Stone Apple (x 1)
Strap On Mirabilis Wings
Strap On Mirabilis Wings (x 1)
Strawberry Skull Taffy
Strawberry Skull Taffy (x 1)
Striped Decorative Gourd
Striped Decorative Gourd (x 1)
Striped Paper Crown
Striped Paper Crown (x 1)
Stumpy Radioactive Doll
Stumpy Radioactive Doll (x 1)
Sucker For You Card
Sucker For You Card (x 3)
Sugar Box
Sugar Box (x 1)
Sugar Easero
Sugar Easero (x 1)
Sugar Jellyfish
Sugar Jellyfish (x 4)
Sugar Snowflake
Sugar Snowflake (x 1)
Sugar Snowflake Marble
Sugar Snowflake Marble (x 1)
Sugar Staff Apple
Sugar Staff Apple (x 2)
Sun Fish
Sun Fish (x 1)
Sunny Kite
Sunny Kite (x 2)
Sunshine Goody Bag 08
Sunshine Goody Bag 08 (x 1)
Sunshine Squishy
Sunshine Squishy (x 2)
Sunshine Staff Balloon
Sunshine Staff Balloon (x 1)
Super Healing Potion Value Pack
Super Healing Potion Value Pack (x 1)
Super Sweet Apple
Super Sweet Apple (x 1)
Swan Pumpkin
Swan Pumpkin (x 1)
Swayer Kiokadeer Squishy
Swayer Kiokadeer Squishy (x 3)
Sweet Grass Lollipop
Sweet Grass Lollipop (x 3)
Swift Boomerang
Swift Boomerang (x 1)
Swirled Lollipop
Swirled Lollipop (x 1)
Swirly Rainbow Easter Egg 08
Swirly Rainbow Easter Egg 08 (x 1)
Swirly Vial of Mystery
Swirly Vial of Mystery (x 1)
Sword Of Death
Sword Of Death (x 1)
Tail Warmer
Tail Warmer (x 1)
Tainted Apple
Tainted Apple (x 2)
Tainted Bloom
Tainted Bloom (x 1)
Tainted Book
Tainted Book (x 1)
Tainted Bow
Tainted Bow (x 2)
Tainted Green Apple
Tainted Green Apple (x 1)
Tainted Ice Pop
Tainted Ice Pop (x 3)
Tainted Jigsaw Puzzle
Tainted Jigsaw Puzzle (x 2)
Tainted Ned
Tainted Ned (x 1)
Tainted Pompom Scarf
Tainted Pompom Scarf (x 2)
Tainted Potion
Tainted Potion (x 2)
Tainted Pumpkin Apple
Tainted Pumpkin Apple (x 1)
Tainted Red Apple
Tainted Red Apple (x 1)
Tainted Shaker
Tainted Shaker (x 1)
Tainted Skeleton
Tainted Skeleton (x 1)
Tainted Splash Gun
Tainted Splash Gun (x 3)
Tainted Votive
Tainted Votive (x 1)
Tainted Yellow Apple
Tainted Yellow Apple (x 2)
Taka Staff Apple
Taka Staff Apple (x 3)
Tales Of The Forgotten
Tales Of The Forgotten (x 1)
Tamia Goody Bag
Tamia Goody Bag (x 1)
Tamia Goody Bag 08
Tamia Goody Bag 08 (x 1)
Tamia Goody Bag 09
Tamia Goody Bag 09 (x 1)
Tamia Staff Squishy
Tamia Staff Squishy (x 1)
Tashni Staff Squishy
Tashni Staff Squishy (x 1)
Taurus Zodiac Squishy
Taurus Zodiac Squishy (x 1)
Taxidermy Frog
Taxidermy Frog (x 1)
Tea Staff Apple
Tea Staff Apple (x 4)
Teddy Berrok
Teddy Berrok (x 1)
Teeny Tiny Apple
Teeny Tiny Apple (x 3)
Ten Relking Coin
Ten Relking Coin (x 2)
Terrible Trash
Terrible Trash (x 3)
Terry the Mutant T-Rex Squishy
Terry the Mutant T-Rex Squishy (x 1)
Terry the Smart T-Rex Squishy
Terry the Smart T-Rex Squishy (x 1)
Terry the T-Rex Squishy
Terry the T-Rex Squishy (x 3)
Terry the Tainted T-Rex Squishy
Terry the Tainted T-Rex Squishy (x 2)
Tesuri Candy Cane
Tesuri Candy Cane (x 1)
Tesuri Egg Bauble
Tesuri Egg Bauble (x 1)
Tesuri Morphing Potion
Tesuri Morphing Potion (x 1)
Tesuri Stocking
Tesuri Stocking (x 1)
The Desert on Atquati
The Desert on Atquati (x 1)
The First Easero
The First Easero (x 2)
The Giant Clawed Easero
The Giant Clawed Easero (x 1)
The Gift of Flight
The Gift of Flight (x 1)
The Little Book of Mummies
The Little Book of Mummies (x 2)
The Nutcracker and the Chimby King
The Nutcracker and the Chimby King (x 1)
The Pink Untitled Book
The Pink Untitled Book (x 1)
The Song of Our Hearts
The Song of Our Hearts (x 1)
The Sum of xeeroh
The Sum of xeeroh (x 1)
The Ways of the Turtles
The Ways of the Turtles (x 1)
The Yolks on You
The Yolks on You (x 1)
Three Relking Coin
Three Relking Coin (x 1)
Tickle Monster
Tickle Monster (x 1)
Tiki Mask
Tiki Mask (x 2)
Tina the T-Rex Squishy
Tina the T-Rex Squishy (x 1)
Tiny Green Apple
Tiny Green Apple (x 1)
Tiny Pink Apple
Tiny Pink Apple (x 1)
Titanium Staff Apple
Titanium Staff Apple (x 3)
TNT (x 1)
Tobys Snackbox
Tobys Snackbox (x 1)
Toffee Apple
Toffee Apple (x 3)
Toilet Paper
Toilet Paper (x 4)
Toilet Paper Launcher
Toilet Paper Launcher (x 1)
Tony the Depressed T-Rex Squishy
Tony the Depressed T-Rex Squishy (x 1)