You walk into the's strangely cold. The cobwebs cast stringy, faded shadows on pristine white walls, cluttered shelves thick with dust. No one has tended this place in ages. You spy some valuable things; but mostly a lot of junk. The door you've opened causes a breeze that gently stirs the stale air. You inadvertently shiver. You realize you've entered a room frozen in time. -------------- R.I.P my Ancient Scroll, I mistakenly put you in my library, thinking books wouldn't break there and I was wrong. Too bad you were the first one to break.----------------- One item stands out: the rare and coveted Trout Slapper Of Doom. Yes, I was staff long, long ago, but this renowned item of staffdom was the most generous gift of Guzma <3

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Apathetic Eleodon Squishy
Apathetic Eleodon Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Ezahni Squishy
Apathetic Ezahni Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Fox
Apathetic Fox (x 1)
Apathetic Galta Squishy
Apathetic Galta Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Goiba Squishy
Apathetic Goiba Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Guilbyss Squishy
Apathetic Guilbyss Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Heart Shaped Doughnut
Apathetic Heart Shaped Doughnut (x 2)
Apathetic Iluvu Squishy
Apathetic Iluvu Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Intes Squishy
Apathetic Intes Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Ivik Squishy
Apathetic Ivik Squishy (x 2)
Apathetic Jaaku Squishy
Apathetic Jaaku Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Kayoki Squishy
Apathetic Kayoki Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Kioka Squishy
Apathetic Kioka Squishy (x 2)
Apathetic Leverene Squishy
Apathetic Leverene Squishy (x 2)
Apathetic Liyure Squishy
Apathetic Liyure Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Malal Squishy
Apathetic Malal Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Meiko Squishy
Apathetic Meiko Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Meragon Squishy
Apathetic Meragon Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Milkshake
Apathetic Milkshake (x 1)
Apathetic Mirabilis Squishy
Apathetic Mirabilis Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Myotis Squishy
Apathetic Myotis Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Narwi Squishy
Apathetic Narwi Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Noctis Squishy
Apathetic Noctis Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Omni Squishy
Apathetic Omni Squishy (x 2)
Apathetic Otachie Squishy
Apathetic Otachie Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Paor Squishy
Apathetic Paor Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Roditore Squishy
Apathetic Roditore Squishy (x 2)
Apathetic RSTU002 Squishy
Apathetic RSTU002 Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Shaefu Squishy
Apathetic Shaefu Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Skaldyr Squishy
Apathetic Skaldyr Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Uilus Squishy
Apathetic Uilus Squishy (x 2)
Apathetic Valabex Squishy
Apathetic Valabex Squishy (x 2)
Apathetic Vaspi Squishy
Apathetic Vaspi Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Vogar Squishy
Apathetic Vogar Squishy (x 2)
Apathetic Zaphao Squishy
Apathetic Zaphao Squishy (x 1)
Apathetic Zenirix Squishy
Apathetic Zenirix Squishy (x 1)
Apatite (x 1)
Apple Candle
Apple Candle (x 1)
Apple Cinnamon Lolly
Apple Cinnamon Lolly (x 1)
Apple of Doom
Apple of Doom (x 2)
Apple Of Love
Apple Of Love (x 1)
Apple of Wisdom
Apple of Wisdom (x 2)
April Fools Note
April Fools Note (x 1)
Aqua Comet Fragment
Aqua Comet Fragment (x 2)
Aqua Rounded Gem
Aqua Rounded Gem (x 2)
Aqua Stardust Apple
Aqua Stardust Apple (x 1)
Aquarius Zodiac Squishy
Aquarius Zodiac Squishy (x 1)
Arcablue Squishy
Arcablue Squishy (x 1)
Archmage Spellbook
Archmage Spellbook (x 2)
Arctic Survival Kit
Arctic Survival Kit (x 3)
Ardur Boa
Ardur Boa (x 1)
Ardur Creatu Egg
Ardur Creatu Egg (x 1)
Ardur Egg Bauble
Ardur Egg Bauble (x 1)
Ardur Engine
Ardur Engine (x 1)
Ardur Stocking
Ardur Stocking (x 1)
Ardur Succulent
Ardur Succulent (x 1)
Ardur Surfboard
Ardur Surfboard (x 1)
Areante Squishy
Areante Squishy (x 1)
AriaKaye1 Memorial Squishy
AriaKaye1 Memorial Squishy (x 2)
Aries Zodiac Squishy
Aries Zodiac Squishy (x 1)
Aromantic Heart Pin
Aromantic Heart Pin (x 1)
Artichoke Eclair
Artichoke Eclair (x 1)
Asexual Pride Flag
Asexual Pride Flag (x 1)
Asteroid Kiokadeer Squishy
Asteroid Kiokadeer Squishy (x 1)
Atquati Citizen Visa/Pass
Atquati Citizen Visa/Pass (x 1)
Atquati Crystal Ball
Atquati Crystal Ball (x 2)
Atquati Easter Egg
Atquati Easter Egg (x 1)
Atquati Goody Bag 2014
Atquati Goody Bag 2014 (x 1)
Atquati Marble
Atquati Marble (x 2)
Atquati Snow Globe
Atquati Snow Globe (x 1)
Atquati Sword
Atquati Sword (x 1)
Attack Flower
Attack Flower (x 1)
Attack Mummy Wrappings
Attack Mummy Wrappings (x 1)
Attack Pumpkin
Attack Pumpkin (x 1)
Attack Snowball
Attack Snowball (x 2)
Attack Snowflake
Attack Snowflake (x 2)
Aukira Candy Cane
Aukira Candy Cane (x 1)
Aukira Creatu Egg
Aukira Creatu Egg (x 1)
Aukira Ornament
Aukira Ornament (x 1)
Aukira Stocking
Aukira Stocking (x 1)
Aureate Goody Bag
Aureate Goody Bag (x 1)
Autistic Heart Pin
Autistic Heart Pin (x 1)
Autistic Pride Flag
Autistic Pride Flag (x 1)
Autistic Pride Tank Top
Autistic Pride Tank Top (x 1)
Avatar of Spring Squishy
Avatar of Spring Squishy (x 1)
Avedori Staff Apple
Avedori Staff Apple (x 1)
Avocado Cupcake
Avocado Cupcake (x 2)
Avocado Doughnut
Avocado Doughnut (x 2)
Avocado Ice Cream Cone
Avocado Ice Cream Cone (x 1)
Azure Carved Crystal Skull
Azure Carved Crystal Skull (x 1)
Azure Easero Feathers
Azure Easero Feathers (x 1)
Azure Present Squishy
Azure Present Squishy (x 1)
Azure Raven
Azure Raven (x 1)
Azure Shell
Azure Shell (x 2)
Azure Sparrow
Azure Sparrow (x 1)
Azure Tourmaline
Azure Tourmaline (x 1)
Baby Drachid Squishy
Baby Drachid Squishy (x 1)
Baby Draqua Inner Tube
Baby Draqua Inner Tube (x 1)
Baby Murren Squishy
Baby Murren Squishy (x 2)
Baby Narwi Squishy
Baby Narwi Squishy (x 1)