You walk into the's strangely cold. The cobwebs cast stringy, faded shadows on pristine white walls, cluttered shelves thick with dust. No one has tended this place in ages. You spy some valuable things; but mostly a lot of junk. The door you've opened causes a breeze that gently stirs the stale air. You inadvertently shiver. You realize you've entered a room frozen in time. -------------- R.I.P my Ancient Scroll, I mistakenly put you in my library, thinking books wouldn't break there and I was wrong. Too bad you were the first one to break.----------------- One item stands out: the rare and coveted Trout Slapper Of Doom. Yes, I was staff long, long ago, but this renowned item of staffdom was the most generous gift of Guzma <3

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Blonde Easero Feathers
Blonde Easero Feathers (x 1)
Blonde Easero Shield
Blonde Easero Shield (x 1)
Blonde Easero Squishy
Blonde Easero Squishy (x 3)
Blonde Iluvu Pages
Blonde Iluvu Pages (x 1)
Blonde Intes Squishy
Blonde Intes Squishy (x 1)
Blonde Jaaku Horns
Blonde Jaaku Horns (x 1)
Blonde Leverene Squishy
Blonde Leverene Squishy (x 1)
Blonde Narwi Squishy
Blonde Narwi Squishy (x 3)
Blonde Quelis Squishy
Blonde Quelis Squishy (x 4)
Blonde Roditore Squishy
Blonde Roditore Squishy (x 1)
Blonde Shell
Blonde Shell (x 1)
Blonde Sparrow
Blonde Sparrow (x 1)
Blonde Uilus Cloak
Blonde Uilus Cloak (x 1)
Blonde Veram Squishy
Blonde Veram Squishy (x 1)
Blonde Wyrae Squishy
Blonde Wyrae Squishy (x 1)
Blood Tear Makeup
Blood Tear Makeup (x 3)
Blossom Snowflake
Blossom Snowflake (x 2)
Blossom Snowflake Marble
Blossom Snowflake Marble (x 1)
Blue and Green Decorative Easter Egg 08
Blue and Green Decorative Easter Egg 08 (x 1)
Blue Bird
Blue Bird (x 3)
Blue Bow
Blue Bow (x 1)
Blue Broken Heart Shards
Blue Broken Heart Shards (x 2)
Blue Candy Cane
Blue Candy Cane (x 1)
Blue Christmas Cracker
Blue Christmas Cracker (x 2)
Blue Clockwork Monster
Blue Clockwork Monster (x 1)
Blue Gargoyle Squishy
Blue Gargoyle Squishy (x 1)
Blue Glass Bauble
Blue Glass Bauble (x 1)
Blue Glitter Wand
Blue Glitter Wand (x 1)
Blue Plastic Easter Egg
Blue Plastic Easter Egg (x 2)
Blue Prism Shard
Blue Prism Shard (x 1)
Blue Rabid Pumpkin
Blue Rabid Pumpkin (x 2)
Blue Rock Candy Heart
Blue Rock Candy Heart (x 1)
Blue Scaly Easter Egg
Blue Scaly Easter Egg (x 1)
Blue Seaglass
Blue Seaglass (x 3)
Blue Tie Dye Shirt
Blue Tie Dye Shirt (x 2)
Blue Water Balloon
Blue Water Balloon (x 1)
Blue Water Flower
Blue Water Flower (x 1)
Blueberries and Cream Lollipop
Blueberries and Cream Lollipop (x 1)
Blueberry Boo Pop
Blueberry Boo Pop (x 2)
Blueberry Dream Jelly Beans
Blueberry Dream Jelly Beans (x 1)
Blueberry Gummy Thumb
Blueberry Gummy Thumb (x 1)
Blus Date Day
Blus Date Day (x 2)
Bone Marrow
Bone Marrow (x 2)
Bone Shards
Bone Shards (x 1)
Book of Bad Puns
Book of Bad Puns (x 3)
Book of Elements
Book of Elements (x 1)
Book of Water
Book of Water (x 1)
Book of Wind
Book of Wind (x 1)
Boot-Shaped Snow
Boot-Shaped Snow (x 1)
Bow Bone
Bow Bone (x 1)
Box of Jaaku Cupcakes
Box of Jaaku Cupcakes (x 1)
Brain Bubblegum
Brain Bubblegum (x 4)
Breaking the Ice
Breaking the Ice (x 2)
Brightly Colored Easter Egg 08
Brightly Colored Easter Egg 08 (x 1)
Broken Food Pen
Broken Food Pen (x 1)
Bucket of Green Paint
Bucket of Green Paint (x 1)
Bucket of Radioactive Slush
Bucket of Radioactive Slush (x 1)
Bucket of Yellow Slush
Bucket of Yellow Slush (x 1)
Bug-filled Chocolate Bar
Bug-filled Chocolate Bar (x 5)
Building Blocks
Building Blocks (x 1)
Bumblebee (x 1)
Bumpy Decorative Gourd
Bumpy Decorative Gourd (x 1)
Bunny Finger Puppet
Bunny Finger Puppet (x 1)
Bunny Squishy
Bunny Squishy (x 1)
Bunpire (x 1)
Butterscotch Candy
Butterscotch Candy (x 1)
Buttoned Candycane Scarf
Buttoned Candycane Scarf (x 1)
Cains Sarcophagus
Cains Sarcophagus (x 1)
Calico Ahea Squishy
Calico Ahea Squishy (x 2)
Calico Ardur Squishy
Calico Ardur Squishy (x 1)
Calico Aukira Squishy
Calico Aukira Squishy (x 2)
Calico Berrok Squishy
Calico Berrok Squishy (x 3)
Calico Chimby Squishy
Calico Chimby Squishy (x 3)
Calico Draqua Squishy
Calico Draqua Squishy (x 3)
Calico Drindian Squishy
Calico Drindian Squishy (x 1)
Calico Easero Feathers
Calico Easero Feathers (x 1)
Calico Easero Shield
Calico Easero Shield (x 1)
Calico Easero Squishy
Calico Easero Squishy (x 3)
Calico Ebilia Squishy
Calico Ebilia Squishy (x 2)
Calico Goiba Squishy
Calico Goiba Squishy (x 5)
Calico Gondra Squishy
Calico Gondra Squishy (x 1)
Calico Iluvu Gloves
Calico Iluvu Gloves (x 1)
Calico Iluvu Squishy
Calico Iluvu Squishy (x 2)
Calico Intes Squishy
Calico Intes Squishy (x 4)
Calico Ivik Squishy
Calico Ivik Squishy (x 5)
Calico Jaaku Squishy
Calico Jaaku Squishy (x 1)
Calico Kurrabi Squishy
Calico Kurrabi Squishy (x 1)
Calico Leverene Squishy
Calico Leverene Squishy (x 2)
Calico Malal Squishy
Calico Malal Squishy (x 2)
Calico Meiko Squishy
Calico Meiko Squishy (x 1)
Calico Meragon Squishy
Calico Meragon Squishy (x 2)
Calico Mirabilis Squishy
Calico Mirabilis Squishy (x 2)
Calico Murren Squishy
Calico Murren Squishy (x 1)
Calico Myotis Squishy
Calico Myotis Squishy (x 3)
Calico Narwi Squishy
Calico Narwi Squishy (x 1)
Calico Otachie Squishy
Calico Otachie Squishy (x 3)
Calico Paor Squishy
Calico Paor Squishy (x 2)
Calico Quelis Squishy
Calico Quelis Squishy (x 2)
Calico Raven
Calico Raven (x 1)
Calico Roditore Squishy
Calico Roditore Squishy (x 1)