You walk into the's strangely cold. The cobwebs cast stringy, faded shadows on pristine white walls, cluttered shelves thick with dust. No one has tended this place in ages. You spy some valuable things; but mostly a lot of junk. The door you've opened causes a breeze that gently stirs the stale air. You inadvertently shiver. You realize you've entered a room frozen in time. -------------- R.I.P my Ancient Scroll, I mistakenly put you in my library, thinking books wouldn't break there and I was wrong. Too bad you were the first one to break.----------------- One item stands out: the rare and coveted Trout Slapper Of Doom. Yes, I was staff long, long ago, but this renowned item of staffdom was the most generous gift of Guzma <3

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Draqua Candy Cane
Draqua Candy Cane (x 1)
Draqua Creatu Egg
Draqua Creatu Egg (x 2)
Draqua Face Mask
Draqua Face Mask (x 1)
Draqua Stocking
Draqua Stocking (x 1)
Draqua Whelp Squishy
Draqua Whelp Squishy (x 1)
Dried Blood Necklace
Dried Blood Necklace (x 2)
Drindian Ball
Drindian Ball (x 1)
Drindian Candy Cane
Drindian Candy Cane (x 1)
Drindian Face Mask
Drindian Face Mask (x 1)
Drindian Figurine
Drindian Figurine (x 2)
Drindian Morphing Potion
Drindian Morphing Potion (x 1)
Drindian Stocking
Drindian Stocking (x 1)
Drool Apple
Drool Apple (x 2)
Duplicate Pet Squishy
Duplicate Pet Squishy (x 2)
Dye Kit Squishy Pattern
Dye Kit Squishy Pattern (x 1)
E Alphabet Squishy
E Alphabet Squishy (x 1)
Earth Token
Earth Token (x 1)
Earth Worms
Earth Worms (x 1)
EaserNO Card
EaserNO Card (x 2)
Easero Creatu Egg
Easero Creatu Egg (x 1)
Easero Egg Bauble
Easero Egg Bauble (x 1)
Easero Egg Collector
Easero Egg Collector (x 1)
Easero Egg Suit
Easero Egg Suit (x 2)
Easero Feather Sword
Easero Feather Sword (x 3)
Easero Feathers
Easero Feathers (x 2)
Easero Headband
Easero Headband (x 1)
Easero Pomlazka
Easero Pomlazka (x 1)
Easero Snow Globe
Easero Snow Globe (x 1)
Easero Stocking
Easero Stocking (x 1)
Easter Apple
Easter Apple (x 2)
Easter Easero Squishy
Easter Easero Squishy (x 1)
Easter Kurrabi Squishy
Easter Kurrabi Squishy (x 2)
Easter Leverene Squishy
Easter Leverene Squishy (x 1)
Ebilia Creatu Egg
Ebilia Creatu Egg (x 1)
Ebilia Egg Bauble
Ebilia Egg Bauble (x 1)
Ebilia Egg Squishy
Ebilia Egg Squishy (x 1)
Ebilia Face Mask
Ebilia Face Mask (x 1)
Ebilia Hand Puppet
Ebilia Hand Puppet (x 1)
Ebilia Pop
Ebilia Pop (x 1)
Ebilia Pumpkin
Ebilia Pumpkin (x 1)
Ebilia Resagotchi
Ebilia Resagotchi (x 1)
Ebilia Skull
Ebilia Skull (x 1)
Ebilia Snow Globe
Ebilia Snow Globe (x 2)
Ebilia Soul Jar
Ebilia Soul Jar (x 1)
Ebilia Spookghetti
Ebilia Spookghetti (x 1)
Ebilia Stocking
Ebilia Stocking (x 1)
Eclipse Blades
Eclipse Blades (x 3)
Eclipse Book
Eclipse Book (x 2)
Eclipse Marble
Eclipse Marble (x 1)
Eclipse Scarf
Eclipse Scarf (x 1)
Eclipse Squishy
Eclipse Squishy (x 3)
Eclipsed Eyes
Eclipsed Eyes (x 1)
Eclipsed Fabric
Eclipsed Fabric (x 1)
Eclipsed Hair
Eclipsed Hair (x 1)
Eclipsed Wings
Eclipsed Wings (x 1)
Egg Noodle Surprise
Egg Noodle Surprise (x 1)
Egg of Eternity Squishy
Egg of Eternity Squishy (x 1)
Egg of Rebirth
Egg of Rebirth (x 2)
Egg Painting Kit
Egg Painting Kit (x 3)
Egg Yolk
Egg Yolk (x 2)
Elegant Snowflake
Elegant Snowflake (x 1)
Elegant Snowflake Marble
Elegant Snowflake Marble (x 1)
Eleodon Gingerbread Cookie
Eleodon Gingerbread Cookie (x 1)
Eleodon Tusks
Eleodon Tusks (x 1)
Elepod (x 2)
Elixir of Knowledge
Elixir of Knowledge (x 1)
Embarrassed Emote Squishy
Embarrassed Emote Squishy (x 1)
Ember Comet Fragment
Ember Comet Fragment (x 2)
Embroidered Uilus Blanket
Embroidered Uilus Blanket (x 1)
Emnoodle Goody Bag 08
Emnoodle Goody Bag 08 (x 1)
Emnoodle Goody Hat
Emnoodle Goody Hat (x 1)
Emnoodle Squishy
Emnoodle Squishy (x 1)
Emo Eric Balloon
Emo Eric Balloon (x 1)
Empty Taffy Wrapper
Empty Taffy Wrapper (x 2)
Emulate Enid
Emulate Enid (x 2)
Enby Troubles
Enby Troubles (x 2)
Enchanted Axolotl
Enchanted Axolotl (x 1)
Enchanted Springs Recipe Card
Enchanted Springs Recipe Card (x 1)
Endibia Mask
Endibia Mask (x 1)
Enormous Pile of Trash
Enormous Pile of Trash (x 1)
Escaping Ghost
Escaping Ghost (x 1)
Essence of Failure
Essence of Failure (x 1)
Essence of Jaaku
Essence of Jaaku (x 1)
Essence of Youth
Essence of Youth (x 1)
Eternal Night
Eternal Night (x 1)
Everlasting Jar of Sand
Everlasting Jar of Sand (x 1)
Everlasting Mistletoe
Everlasting Mistletoe (x 1)
Everlasting Token
Everlasting Token (x 1)
Evil Candy Corn
Evil Candy Corn (x 2)
Evil Caramel Apple
Evil Caramel Apple (x 5)
Evil Chocolate Bunny
Evil Chocolate Bunny (x 1)
Evil Goody Bag
Evil Goody Bag (x 1)
Exclusive Kioka Squishy
Exclusive Kioka Squishy (x 1)
Exclusive Omni Squishy
Exclusive Omni Squishy (x 1)
Expired Candy
Expired Candy (x 1)
Expr-Apple (x 3)
Exquisite Easero Basket
Exquisite Easero Basket (x 1)
Eye Catcher Card
Eye Catcher Card (x 1)
Eyeball Yoyo
Eyeball Yoyo (x 3)
Ezahni Creatu Egg
Ezahni Creatu Egg (x 1)