You walk into the's strangely cold. The cobwebs cast stringy, faded shadows on pristine white walls, cluttered shelves thick with dust. No one has tended this place in ages. You spy some valuable things; but mostly a lot of junk. The door you've opened causes a breeze that gently stirs the stale air. You inadvertently shiver. You realize you've entered a room frozen in time. -------------- R.I.P my Ancient Scroll, I mistakenly put you in my library, thinking books wouldn't break there and I was wrong. Too bad you were the first one to break.----------------- One item stands out: the rare and coveted Trout Slapper Of Doom. Yes, I was staff long, long ago, but this renowned item of staffdom was the most generous gift of Guzma <3

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Ezahni Gingerbread Cookie
Ezahni Gingerbread Cookie (x 1)
Ezahni Stocking
Ezahni Stocking (x 1)
F Alphabet Squishy
F Alphabet Squishy (x 1)
Fairy Princess Doll
Fairy Princess Doll (x 1)
Fang Paste
Fang Paste (x 1)
Fawn Pointy Ears
Fawn Pointy Ears (x 1)
Feather Staff Apple
Feather Staff Apple (x 4)
Festive Gravy Boat
Festive Gravy Boat (x 1)
Festive Mince Pie
Festive Mince Pie (x 1)
Fifty Relking Coin
Fifty Relking Coin (x 1)
Fir Tree Squishy
Fir Tree Squishy (x 1)
Fire Easter Egg
Fire Easter Egg (x 1)
Fire Token
Fire Token (x 1)
Fish Carcass
Fish Carcass (x 1)
Fish Leftovers
Fish Leftovers (x 1)
Five Relking Coin
Five Relking Coin (x 1)
Fizzeh Staff Apple
Fizzeh Staff Apple (x 1)
Fizzeh Staff Squishy
Fizzeh Staff Squishy (x 5)
Fizzehs Bankipper
Fizzehs Bankipper (x 1)
Flaming Marshmallow Stick
Flaming Marshmallow Stick (x 1)
Flamingo Potion
Flamingo Potion (x 1)
Flower Infused Tea
Flower Infused Tea (x 3)
Flower Power Easter Egg
Flower Power Easter Egg (x 1)
Flowers In The Forest
Flowers In The Forest (x 1)
Flowery Easter Egg 08
Flowery Easter Egg 08 (x 1)
Fluffy Spotted Jingle Ball
Fluffy Spotted Jingle Ball (x 1)
Foil Wrapped Ghost Candy
Foil Wrapped Ghost Candy (x 1)
Foil Wrapped Mummy Candy
Foil Wrapped Mummy Candy (x 1)
Foil Wrapped Pumpkin Candy
Foil Wrapped Pumpkin Candy (x 1)
Foil Wrapped Skull Candy
Foil Wrapped Skull Candy (x 2)
For the Love of Creatu
For the Love of Creatu (x 1)
Four Leaf Clover
Four Leaf Clover (x 1)
Four Relking Coin
Four Relking Coin (x 1)
Foxglove Seed
Foxglove Seed (x 1)
Franco Staff Apple
Franco Staff Apple (x 1)
Frangipani (x 1)
Freaky Achromatic Squishy
Freaky Achromatic Squishy (x 1)
Freaky Blue Squishy
Freaky Blue Squishy (x 1)
Freaky Gray Squishy
Freaky Gray Squishy (x 1)
Freaky Green Snake Squishy
Freaky Green Snake Squishy (x 1)
Freaky Green Squishy
Freaky Green Squishy (x 1)
Freaky Orange Squishy
Freaky Orange Squishy (x 1)
Freaky Pink Squishy
Freaky Pink Squishy (x 1)
Freaky Purple Squishy
Freaky Purple Squishy (x 1)
Freaky Rainbow Squishy
Freaky Rainbow Squishy (x 1)
Freaky Red Squishy
Freaky Red Squishy (x 1)
Freaky Three-Eyed Alien Squishy
Freaky Three-Eyed Alien Squishy (x 1)
Freaky Trance Squishy
Freaky Trance Squishy (x 1)
Freaky Yellow Squishy
Freaky Yellow Squishy (x 1)
Frey Goody Bag
Frey Goody Bag (x 1)
Frey Staff Squishy
Frey Staff Squishy (x 1)
Frog Lollipop
Frog Lollipop (x 1)
froggy4510 Goody Bag
froggy4510 Goody Bag (x 1)
froggy4510 Staff Squishy
froggy4510 Staff Squishy (x 1)
Frost Blossom
Frost Blossom (x 1)
Frost Eyes
Frost Eyes (x 1)
Frost Light Ice Pendant
Frost Light Ice Pendant (x 1)
Frost Light Icicle
Frost Light Icicle (x 1)
Frost Skin
Frost Skin (x 1)
Frosted Branch Antlers
Frosted Branch Antlers (x 1)
Frosty Snowflake
Frosty Snowflake (x 1)
Frosty Snowflake Marble
Frosty Snowflake Marble (x 1)
Frozen Rock Candy Heart
Frozen Rock Candy Heart (x 1)
Frozen Scythe
Frozen Scythe (x 1)
Frozen Vale Nest Hand Puppet
Frozen Vale Nest Hand Puppet (x 1)
Fruit Fly Taffy
Fruit Fly Taffy (x 1)
Full Heart Recipe Card
Full Heart Recipe Card (x 1)
Full Moon Backdrop
Full Moon Backdrop (x 1)
Funky Chair
Funky Chair (x 1)
Fuzzy Berrok Slippers
Fuzzy Berrok Slippers (x 1)
Fuzzy Leverene Hat
Fuzzy Leverene Hat (x 1)
Fuzzy Veram Hat
Fuzzy Veram Hat (x 1)
Fuzzy Zenirix Cap
Fuzzy Zenirix Cap (x 1)
Fuzzy Zenirix Gloves
Fuzzy Zenirix Gloves (x 1)
Galta Be Kidding Me Card
Galta Be Kidding Me Card (x 1)
Galta Gingerbread Cookie
Galta Gingerbread Cookie (x 1)
Galtaoli (x 1)
Gelgarin Goody Bag 08
Gelgarin Goody Bag 08 (x 1)
Gelgarin Goody Bag 09
Gelgarin Goody Bag 09 (x 1)
Gemini Zodiac Squishy
Gemini Zodiac Squishy (x 1)
Gemma the Goth
Gemma the Goth (x 3)
Genderqueer Pride Flag
Genderqueer Pride Flag (x 1)
Geonightrose Staff Apple
Geonightrose Staff Apple (x 3)
Geonightrose Staff Balloon
Geonightrose Staff Balloon (x 1)
Gerbil Beanbag
Gerbil Beanbag (x 1)
Ghost Ardur Squishy
Ghost Ardur Squishy (x 1)
Ghost Berrok Squishy
Ghost Berrok Squishy (x 1)
Ghost Cat Squishy
Ghost Cat Squishy (x 1)
Ghost Charm
Ghost Charm (x 1)
Ghost Chocolate-Covered Cookie
Ghost Chocolate-Covered Cookie (x 1)
Ghost Gondra Squishy
Ghost Gondra Squishy (x 1)
Ghost Meragon Squishy
Ghost Meragon Squishy (x 1)
Ghost Valabex Squishy
Ghost Valabex Squishy (x 1)
Ghostly Sheet
Ghostly Sheet (x 1)
Ghostly Strawberry
Ghostly Strawberry (x 1)
Ghoul Gumballs
Ghoul Gumballs (x 2)
Ghouly Ghost String Toy
Ghouly Ghost String Toy (x 1)
Ginger Ardur Squishy
Ginger Ardur Squishy (x 1)
Ginger Aukira Squishy
Ginger Aukira Squishy (x 2)
Ginger Easero Feathers
Ginger Easero Feathers (x 1)