Achromatic Apple (x 1) | Acid Apple (x 2) | Algae Fish (x 1) |
Alien Staff Apple (x 1) | Altair Staff Apple (x 1) | Apple of Doom (x 1) |
Apple Of Love (x 2) | Aqua Rounded Gem (x 2) | Atquati Snow Globe (x 1) |
Barrage Kiokadeer Squishy (x 1) | Big Leaf Fish (x 1) | Bitter Apple (x 3) |
Black Water Flower (x 1) | Blessed Flowers (x 1) | Blue Blooming Branch (x 1) |
Calico Apple (x 1) | Christmas Apple (x 1) | Christmas Sea Horse (x 1) |
Christmas Tree Cup Cake (x 1) | Clear Rounded Gem (x 2) | Cless Staff Apple (x 2) |
Cloud Fish (x 2) | Cookie with Sprinkles (x 1) | Crowflux Staff Apple (x 2) |
Cyid Eclair (x 1) | Decorated Holiday Pet Rock (x 1) | Dess Staff Apple (x 1) |
Enchanted Seaweed (x 1) | Expr-Apple (x 2) | Fat Fish (x 2) |
Flat Grass Fish (x 1) | Flower Jelly Fish (x 2) | Glowing Aqua Flower (x 1) |
Glowing Ghostly Flower (x 1) | Glowing Pink Flower (x 1) | Gold Pearl (x 1) |
Gold Shimmering Flecks (x 1) | Grass Lobster (x 1) | Green Calla Lily Flower (x 1) |
Haberisar Engine (x 1) | Iluvu Gingerbread Cookie (x 1) | KiRAWRa Staff Apple (x 1) |
Large Smoothed Driftwood (x 2) | Lilith Staff Apple (x 1) | Little Crab (x 1) |
Llama Staff Apple (x 1) | Mud Mollusk (x 1) | Orange Water Flower (x 1) |
Petrified Wood (x 1) | Pink Rounded Gem (x 3) | Pink Tongue Flower (x 2) |
Poisonous Apple (x 2) | Pumpkin-Shaped Chocolate (x 1) | Purple Blooming Branch (x 1) |
Purple Fluff Flowers (x 2) | Quelis Cake (x 1) | Rainbow Fish (x 2) |
Relcore Snow Globe (x 1) | Rhubarb Pie (x 1) | Rock Mollusk (x 1) |
Sand Hexapus (x 1) | Scria Snow Globe (x 1) | Shimmering Shell (x 1) |
Silver Water Flower (x 1) | Small Smoothed Driftwood (x 2) | Smooth Rounded Pebble (x 4) |
Snowflake Necklace (x 1) | Soda Jaaku Lolli (x 1) | Soft Orange Flower (x 1) |
Soft White Flower (x 1) | Sour Apple (x 3) | Steamed Carrots (x 1) |
Sun Fish (x 2) | Teeny Tiny Apple (x 3) | Tesuri Box Car (x 1) |
Thanksgiving Leftovers (x 1) | Tiny Clam Shell (x 4) | Tiny Pink Apple (x 2) |
Titanium Staff Apple (x 3) | Toffee Apple (x 1) | Trumpet Shell (x 1) |
Uilus Eggnog Dish (x 1) | White Blooming Branch (x 1) | White Tongue Flower (x 1) |
White Winding Flower (x 2) | Windswept Petals (x 1) | Wolf Staff Apple (x 1) |
Yellow Pinwheel Flower (x 1) | Zen Staff Apple (x 2) | Zombie Fish (x 1) |