Orchid Quartz (x 1) | Orchid Tiger Eye (x 2) | Orchid Tourmaline (x 2) |
Orchsearo Seedling (x 4) | Outsane Staff Balloon (x 1) | Overstuffed Anaconda (x 1) |
Painted Easero Rock (x 1) | Painted Elemental Chimby Egg (x 1) | Painted Elemental Intes Egg (x 1) |
Painted Iluvu Rocks (x 1) | Painted Omnu Egg (x 1) | Patchwork Piranha (x 1) |
Peppermint Hot Chocolate (x 2) | Peridot Staff Apple (x 2) | Perilus Seed (x 1) |
Pet Worm (x 2) | Phosphorus (x 7) | Pie Crust Recipe Card (x 1) |
Plain Resuccino (x 1) | Poison Apple (x 1) | Potassium (x 27) |
Potato Gun (x 1) | Protective Sea Mask (x 1) | Pull Along Dinosaur (x 1) |
Pull Along Pumpkin (x 2) | Pumpkin Doll (x 1) | Pumpkin Roll Cake (x 1) |
Purple Energy Orb (x 1) | Purple Pull Along Dinosaur (x 1) | Q Alphabet Squishy (x 1) |
Quartz (x 1) | Rainbow Fish (x 1) | Rainbow Gummy Bat (x 1) |
Rainbow Gummy Rat (x 1) | Rainbow Scale (x 1) | Rainbow Vaspi Macaron (x 1) |
Reiflem Marble (x 1) | Relcore Marble (x 1) | Ribbon Snowflake Marble (x 1) |
Rose Apatite (x 1) | Rose Hematite (x 1) | Rose Quartz (x 1) |
Rose Tiger Eye (x 2) | Rose Tourmaline (x 1) | Round Jar of Azure Sand (x 1) |
Ruined Paint Brush (x 1) | Scrabbage (x 1) | Scria Easter Egg (x 1) |
Scria Marble (x 1) | Scria Snow Globe (x 1) | Scria Sword (x 1) |
Scythe (x 1) | Sea Flower Staff (x 1) | Sentient Flytrap (x 1) |
Shaefu Ice Cream Cone (x 2) | Shark Staff Apple (x 1) | Shiny Pearl (x 1) |
Shrimp Plant Seed (x 1) | Silver Comet Fragment (x 1) | Silver Iluvusicle (x 1) |
Silver Vaspi Macaron (x 2) | Sin Staff Apple (x 1) | Smashed Cabbage (x 2) |
Snow Blower (x 1) | Snowflake Necklace (x 1) | Snowman Yo-yo (x 1) |
Snowy Ardur Squishy (x 1) | Snowy Jaaku Squishy (x 1) | Snowy Kioka Squishy (x 1) |
Snowy Meragon Squishy (x 1) | Snowy Narwi Squishy (x 1) | Snowy RSTU001 Squishy (x 1) |
Soiled Fabric (x 1) | Solid Chocolate Kurrabi (x 2) | Special Pasta Dish (x 1) |
Splash Gun (x 1) | Spork (x 1) | Square Black Glasses (x 1) |
Squeaky Apple Chew Toy (x 1) | Star Jar of Azure Sand (x 1) | Star Jar of Lime Sand (x 1) |
Starfish (x 1) | Stim the Space Invader Figurine (x 1) | Sunset Sea Turtle (x 1) |
Tainted Apple (x 1) | Tainted Ice Pop (x 1) | Tainted Pumpkin Apple (x 1) |
Tainted Red Apple (x 1) | Tainted Splash Gun (x 1) | Tainted Yellow Apple (x 1) |
Taka Staff Apple (x 2) | Taxidermy Frog (x 1) | Terry the Tainted T-Rex Squishy (x 1) |
The Guardian Resmas Letters (x 1) | The Tale of Ebenezer Shaefu (x 1) | Tiger Eye (x 1) |
Titanium Staff Apple (x 1) | Toilet Paper (x 1) | Toilet Paper Launcher (x 1) |
Tourmaline (x 1) |