When you wake up

Just things I find special or like a lot. C:

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20k Messenger
20k Messenger (x 1)
Apple Juice Bottle
Apple Juice Bottle (x 1)
Atquati Snow Globe
Atquati Snow Globe (x 1)
Bucket of Radioactive Slush
Bucket of Radioactive Slush (x 1)
Crowflux Staff Apple
Crowflux Staff Apple (x 1)
Glowing Aqua Flower
Glowing Aqua Flower (x 1)
Pink Calla Lily Flower
Pink Calla Lily Flower (x 1)
Reiflem Snow Globe
Reiflem Snow Globe (x 1)
Relcore Snow Globe
Relcore Snow Globe (x 1)
Scria Snow Globe
Scria Snow Globe (x 1)