Name Clearing
Frequently Asked Questions

General Info

A Name Clearing is the process of removing pets (with their names intact) from inactive accounts so that others can obtain them.

You can visit this area of the site through the top navigation Auctions > Name Clearing to check the current Raffles, upcoming cleared pets for the next Raffle, and the Rancher shop all in one place.

The new Name Clearing process is an automated system designed to manage pet names and their availability in the game. It involves clearing inactive accounts, conducting weekly Raffles, and offering pets for sale in the Rancher Shop.

Names used to be cleared in large batches at an unknown time intervals for anyone to grab at first-come-first-serve. This was often overwhelming for players trying to get these names as they would spend extra time on the site to have their fair chance, sometimes even losing precious sleep.

The new Name Clearing process aims to provide a fairer system for redistributing these unique pet names on Rescreatu, ensuring equal access to this exclusive "name real estate."

The goal of this approach is to address inflation concerns by encouraging tu spending, especially in response to the Book Quest's high payouts in 2023.

Names on accounts that are past the inactivity date (5 years) are first moved to the NameClearings account showroom. Each week pets are selected in batches at random to be put up for Viewing, and then subsequently put into a Raffle the following week.

This process is continuous and operates on a weekly cycle. Players can check the current raffles, upcoming cleared names, and the Rancher Shop once a week.


Name Clearing Raffles open as a batch of pets released weekly. The Raffle page allows players to purchase non-refundable tickets (limited to 1 per Creatu) over a week, ensuring fairness across all time zones.

Pricing is based on each pet’s rarity and color. Each is randomly selected within a certain range. Additionally, prehistoric pets will have some additional tu added to their ticket price.

Yes, those who win the raffle will receive the pet with its name attached.

Raffle winners will receive their pet automatically after the weekly deadline along with an alert.

Raffle Batches are randomly populated from the pets available in the NameClearings Showroom.

The restriction of one non-refundable ticket for each pet in the raffle is designed to maintain fairness and prevent any player from gaining an unfair advantage, ensuring equal opportunity for all participants.

No, buying or selling your ticket-slot for the Raffles is strictly forbidden. Users caught violating this may face account suspension or permanent ban.

Creatu that receive no tickets during their Raffle week are moved for sale in the NameClearings account Rancher Shop.

Viewing page, Showroom and the Rancher Shop

The Next Batch Viewing page serves as a place to view the next batch of cleared Creatu coming up to be raffled the next week.

The newest batch will be up for viewing on a 'Next Batch Viewing’ page for 1 week before the raffle week starts, allowing players to scout them out.

Cleared Creatu are first relocated to the official NameClearings account showroom.

When empty or out of pets in the showroom, there will be no pets on the Viewing page until the next weekly refresh, if there are new cleared pets to present.

In the event that certain pets remain unsold for an extended period, they will be released in the Atqueen Forest.

Inactive Accounts

The time limit for an account to be marked as inactive has been reduced from 7 years to 5 years.

The system checks for inactive accounts each reset. Once an account reaches the 5-year mark of being inactive, that account's Creatu are cleared.

Yes, the pet that is originally attached to the name will remain intact.

When an account is marked as inactive, they will receive an alert for each pet that has been removed from their account.