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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#2701 HarleyQuinn2015 56
#2702 Pokeydapuppy 56
#2703 tonysxturtles 56
#2704 Mango 56
#2705 tmntlover2002 56
#2706 Kurimu 56
#2707 ngjh236 56
#2708 1051919931 56
#2709 LightSkyDiver4 56
#2710 Scarheart99789 56
#2711 Dammmooonnn 56
#2712 Gayster 56
#2713 DawnsDusk 56
#2714 Akatsuki_Deidara 56
#2715 Starblazer 56
#2716 RoseThorn9 56
#2717 Ratrevenge 56
#2718 Authentic 55
#2719 YoureAnnoyingMe 55
#2720 markito2410 55
#2721 Nikaya 55
#2722 bhitti 55
#2723 PhantomPhan 55
#2724 Cirrostratus 55
#2725 Toadgecko 55