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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#2951 Lillyanna 51
#2952 Lovepickle 51
#2953 hazel3332 51
#2954 lilmissmaryloves 51
#2955 AwesomePuppyLover 51
#2956 GoldenFreesia 51
#2957 Nightbayne 51
#2958 Slytherin 51
#2959 princesstigerlilli 51
#2960 lulucat99 51
#2961 KaytieXenon 51
#2962 DottieCat 51
#2963 Kaluga 51
#2964 Candle 51
#2965 Mangoeskiwi 51
#2966 Kaijou 51
#2967 Spark55555 51
#2968 Brideyjaxn 51
#2969 runda07 51
#2970 MicroPaw 51
#2971 Abbyoyo 51
#2972 dreams_of_day 51
#2973 Wulfinity 51
#2974 Rinthgy 51
#2975 Giygas 51