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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#3076 thornclaw 49
#3077 TrilbysAreCool 49
#3078 JodooTheWolf 49
#3079 DramaGirl42 49
#3080 Kiokari 49
#3081 aemagic 49
#3082 Kyler 49
#3083 Moonlight1282 49
#3084 Coralie 49
#3085 breyer00lover 49
#3086 BoboMaster 49
#3087 purplerocks321888 49
#3088 BunnyXD 49
#3089 SaltwaterPearl 49
#3090 Sphenaaia 49
#3091 Cress 49
#3092 AltiasKyaan 49
#3093 hrose8 49
#3094 arainashadowfire 49
#3095 Ameilyn 49
#3096 Emoranai 49
#3097 RD1605 49
#3098 CajunChicken 49
#3099 Doopler 49
#3100 AlexDreamWalker 49