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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#3576 Hellcatt 42
#3577 mystyblytz 42
#3578 spottedwhitegrl 42
#3579 Crona 42
#3580 Rez512 42
#3581 PizzaChick 42
#3582 CheshirCat83 42
#3583 Rebecca1234 42
#3584 SeanK3 42
#3585 DeathsWishes 42
#3586 swimgirl213 42
#3587 Runt13 42
#3588 snare6 42
#3589 Upir 42
#3590 broadwaynerd 42
#3591 tulipmoonbeam 42
#3592 jmarie2121 42
#3593 RosyRiver 42
#3594 Crisis 42
#3595 BucketofBones 42
#3596 Gothickittenvamp 42
#3597 Clarfy 42
#3598 GrumpyPossum 42
#3599 ProbablySkeletor 42
#3600 Maraq 42