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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#4076 EK 36
#4077 wolf123 36
#4078 Devilatyourdoorstep 36
#4079 RacoolNinetalo 36
#4080 Sassywolf 36
#4081 kajelynn 36
#4082 PurpleKayokano 36
#4083 loving2012 36
#4084 bluedragon2000 36
#4085 Fixa 36
#4086 tundrawolf11 36
#4087 KatyxCat 36
#4088 Leaftrill 36
#4089 dabycat 36
#4090 RoxyCheetah 36
#4091 SarcasmRocks 36
#4092 trice21 36
#4093 trex4flower 36
#4094 PrimRose27 36
#4095 NinjaWarriors 36
#4096 vvendetta 36
#4097 gibitler 36
#4098 Alaerys 36
#4099 Acrylic 36
#4100 marieFR02 36