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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#4901 ahlamabuhijleh 30
#4902 kittenlovers08 30
#4903 Synergy 30
#4904 South0875 30
#4905 xSilverWishx 30
#4906 purplefur 30
#4907 widget3607 30
#4908 emeraldphoenix 30
#4909 termyte 30
#4910 PixieLily 30
#4911 attitude123 30
#4912 ewilly01 30
#4913 Draconifors 30
#4914 Raedox 30
#4915 BubbaThorin02 30
#4916 Oblivion159 30
#4917 Iskra55 30
#4918 preshispink 30
#4919 ComandingAngel 30
#4920 waterlife54321 30
#4921 blackcalico 30
#4922 Faoiltiama 30
#4923 snowpatch101 30
#4924 BunniFooFoo 30
#4925 Jeepers2242 30