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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#26 matt 790
#27 Honeypie 779
#28 NameClearings 778
#29 Tariff 766
#30 Suede 759
#31 nykur 742
#32 Billbee 715
#33 Blackgothfox 713
#34 CheeseLiker 697
#35 Geonightrose 684
#36 Trenthepunkid 679
#37 Witchy 674
#38 Ceiyru 668
#39 thehippi 667
#40 Chaos 655
#41 Kikenie 638
#42 Tikali 630
#43 Inari 628
#44 shadowzard33 623
#45 RainofStars 614
#46 Wildflower 599
#47 Setzer 593
#48 MidnightRunner 593
#49 Quantum 590
#50 Yuume 586