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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#5801 DerpyMuffins11 25
#5802 Nate3456 25
#5803 Domosaures 25
#5804 princess4ever 25
#5805 LittleMarioGamer 25
#5806 K3Sean 25
#5807 dissonantverse 25
#5808 Yourawizardharry 25
#5809 MissWonderland 25
#5810 dinotommys 25
#5811 SeveredHope 25
#5812 50angrygeese 25
#5813 AI-PI 25
#5814 wolfsrock81446 25
#5815 Caydence 25
#5816 bunnibel 25
#5817 Pyke 25
#5818 Lysithea 25
#5819 DorkMalone 25
#5820 Lizethe 25
#5821 GoldenChild 25
#5822 Perilucid 25
#5823 TinyDragoness 25
#5824 stormclan666 25
#5825 insignificant 25