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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#6801 smallwolf 20
#6802 NanciuX 20
#6803 SerinaNight 20
#6804 Lovepussy 20
#6805 Osheda 20
#6806 Beanpup9 20
#6807 Skinnies 20
#6808 pepeca 20
#6809 tubster8 20
#6810 countrygal93 20
#6811 darbygirl 20
#6812 pocketofdreams 20
#6813 iflyte 20
#6814 Clovertail 20
#6815 Hanahou 20
#6816 Artic 20
#6817 batswings 20
#6818 WhiteFury 20
#6819 Jabberwokk 20
#6820 catfromhell 20
#6821 Serpentastic 20
#6822 twinArmageddons 20
#6823 sabitsuki 20
#6824 Ephixa 20
#6825 Nunia 20