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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#6926 kitten16052 20
#6927 Greenleaf 20
#6928 mika15168 20
#6929 ceonicul 20
#6930 princessk225 20
#6931 xXshadowclawXx 20
#6932 LeafyBear 20
#6933 gsghrswgsdg 20
#6934 catalina1233 20
#6935 thenormalpsycho 20
#6936 jstormlynn 20
#6937 toramorganstren 20
#6938 Psychomi 20
#6939 Periwinkle902 20
#6940 NoOne 20
#6941 Coolmans 20
#6942 ghostyfoam 20
#6943 Dragonroar136 20
#6944 TheEchMaster 20
#6945 VirtualPet550 20
#6946 Alicefireflies 20
#6947 JohnathanPants 20
#6948 CapedKitty 20
#6949 Endellion 20
#6950 pixiespirit 20