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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#7451 TheFloatingDonut 18
#7452 KoiEquine 18
#7453 kotfomka 18
#7454 LimeABleu 18
#7455 silverywings 18
#7456 katiekatroo22 18
#7457 littleladybug 18
#7458 SweetAngelEyes198323 18
#7459 Shadow33 18
#7460 Sidra 18
#7461 Silentwhisper 18
#7462 crazydoll86 18
#7463 Shadowdrak 18
#7464 Lasndmaster 18
#7465 Kimberley123 18
#7466 yoshi09012 18
#7467 samisaurx 18
#7468 Metona 18
#7469 BellaBlue9 18
#7470 ILoveToPlayMario123 18
#7471 didi3232 18
#7472 piercedbeanie 18
#7473 Wiremancer 18
#7474 zenturtle 18
#7475 theonemnkey176 18