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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#7576 Blacklycan 17
#7577 VampireShadows 17
#7578 surfchick4life 17
#7579 dglin22 17
#7580 guzophela 17
#7581 smoopyette 17
#7582 Haven 17
#7583 lilleo5 17
#7584 Believix 17
#7585 otakugeneration101 17
#7586 untoldtales 17
#7587 tialina 17
#7588 OliviaGrave 17
#7589 Luseni 17
#7590 PoisonPopRocks 17
#7591 Kitanya 17
#7592 rumblyxtumbly 17
#7593 Waterboy 17
#7594 rsrox111 17
#7595 Zenirix24 17
#7596 WolfMoon 17
#7597 Cryptid 17
#7598 zoedabug 17
#7599 Seishi 17
#7600 Deli 17