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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#7601 Arwantia 17
#7602 Zonahahi 17
#7603 saiera 17
#7604 Blazi 17
#7605 Edarb1 17
#7606 HeartSilhouette 17
#7607 october10993 17
#7608 metaknight 17
#7609 VelvetVixie 17
#7610 raven75143 17
#7611 jwilcox509 17
#7612 kenzcakez 17
#7613 nightowl 17
#7614 Honey3445 17
#7615 babyb2 17
#7616 driban 17
#7617 GoldenLeaf 17
#7618 ekaitz 17
#7619 Vhespertine 17
#7620 Apb 17
#7621 nicoleonfire 17
#7622 JazzTheLolita 17
#7623 DJumbreon 17
#7624 owliciousness 17
#7625 grifen800 17