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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#7626 MonkEv1l 17
#7627 randomugly9 17
#7628 dinosaur777 17
#7629 silverwindrose 17
#7630 OhHenry 17
#7631 02shanun 17
#7632 Kimsauce 17
#7633 hotpink1001 17
#7634 FallenAngelB 17
#7635 Bliss7612 17
#7636 LastSkies 17
#7637 Mythz 17
#7638 WafflesTest 17
#7639 DemonicSpawn 17
#7640 freespirted 17
#7641 clubamynattie2 17
#7642 Nyxta200 17
#7643 horsekeana 17
#7644 LeopardSpots95 17
#7645 Asmodeus 17
#7646 KittyCatty02 17
#7647 seafaerie 17
#7648 alicelau 17
#7649 PizzaPieisgood 17
#7650 tayadora 17