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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#7851 Friu 17
#7852 fishking 17
#7853 SirIzanami 17
#7854 TrollMato 17
#7855 MythicalMonsterTamer 17
#7856 epicyoshi 17
#7857 Phaentomix 17
#7858 Fungeii 17
#7859 Webb 17
#7860 DaaniArts 17
#7861 Kaira777 17
#7862 efi 17
#7863 EternalSummer14 17
#7864 Kraspand 17
#7865 hekate 17
#7866 Bisharpamor 17
#7867 MILA_02_ 17
#7868 xXOnyxXx 17
#7869 illusions 17
#7870 SavvageSavvy_515 17
#7871 Starry_Dragon 17
#7872 castielsflight 17
#7873 onotomatopea 17
#7874 Nicole233 17
#7875 Appocalypse 17