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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#776 Malific 166
#777 Dragosauroslol 166
#778 dee33 166
#779 Schmerz 166
#780 SilverInky 166
#781 Fernweh 165
#782 EarmuffsMoo 165
#783 Purgatory 165
#784 SabrinaBelle1old 165
#785 Aquari 165
#786 fearow 165
#787 funfox21 165
#788 Fir3w0rks 165
#789 Detneth106 164
#790 Misscutie 164
#791 Raine 164
#792 Primes 164
#793 Charaky 163
#794 BlackPup14 163
#795 dragonpanda 163
#796 SeaDragon 163
#797 puppyluv91 163
#798 SaruSaru 163
#799 warriorcats123 163
#800 NyalaMod 163