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This page shows the players who have collected the most unique creatu by species and color on Rescreatu. This leaderboard is updated once per day.
Rank User Unique Pets
#876 Ginkgothenut1 153
#877 SilverStripedFox 153
#878 HellsDementedAngel 153
#879 akirakusano 153
#880 Fangkitty 152
#881 luv2eatTacos 152
#882 EMARSHE 152
#883 BloodBlueIris 152
#884 lankyshadow 151
#885 Tld 151
#886 gc3434 151
#887 Silverstar101 151
#888 IluvuKatyKat 151
#889 Angelica1 151
#890 malafight 151
#891 Szerencse 150
#892 Samwise 150
#893 Kemiro 150
#894 Kolkar 150
#895 Moonlight2 150
#896 austro 150
#897 WyattA 150
#898 Makkuro 150
#899 Fandramon 149
#900 Disney 149